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Hey MMOsite......

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Hey MMOsite...... Empty Hey MMOsite......

Post  Sylhana Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:07 pm

Since you are so 'tight' with representatives from Joymax, how about you do something useful for YOUR visitors.
Tell Joymax that their clients, and your visitors say 'Cut the bul.lsh.it with the f.u.c..ki.ng bots already'.
Coming out with phony awards for a game that is dominated by 80% bots vs 20% or less players just makes MMOsite look retarded. Granted I don't visit this site as much as I used to anymore... can't imagine why...
So instead of coming up with reasons to promote this game that no one can login to without paying $20 a month, you can stop thinking, and just do it. Tell Joymax to cut the sh.it with the bots. You can't honestly be that blind, maybe take a look see at your SRO section and see how many threads are about frustrated players complaining about the bots.
....knock knock.... HELP US and in turn we will do what is necessary to help you ....visit you more often and spread the good word about you to others..... Don't help us, and your just part of the problem.
Can I make myself any clearer? http://forum.mmosite.com/topics/105/200804/03/4283,1.html?time=1208228718

Posts : 88
Join date : 2008-04-03

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