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Basics of GvG, Part 2

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Basics of GvG, Part 2 Empty Basics of GvG, Part 2

Post  lol Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:22 am

So who does what in GvG? Everyone can't do everything, so you need to assign roles that various people are going to fill, hopefully according to their strengths. While some are more important than others, everything serves a purpose. There are a few roles that don't appear in every build you see, but that all depends on what type of build is being run.

The first role to look at is the caller, sometimes also referred to as the leader. The caller has quite a few responsibilities in a match, from picking a target to be pressured/spiked, to deciding when to split and where the group goes. If you're a control freak, this job is for you.

Next, there are the healers, which in days of yore (aka a couple months ago) were Monks, most often the Boon Prot; nowadays Ritualists (and in the future possibly Dervishes as well) are filling in these roles as well, since they have a large variety of healing power that has gone overlooked due to the lack of the Divine Favor attribute which really gives healing a nice oompf. They're the backline that are responsible for keeping people alive. If you like getting beat up and yelled at (well, maybe not yelled at as much if you're on a team of friends), this will be a perfect fit for you.

Now on to one of the most hated roles in GvG: the flag runner. Very few people enjoy this role because more often than not you're on your own and are away from the support of your team. If you get attacked you're probably going to be taking a dirt nap. This role also happens to be one of the most important roles on the team since it determines which team controls the flag stand and gets the ever precious morale boosts. If you're a solitary person and like going off and doing your own thing then you've found your spot on the team.

Next up are utility characters. These guys have less of a noticable presence on health bars but can, at times, be way more important than the healers and damage dealers. Utility players will use helpful enchantments, drain the energy out of the healers, interrupt important spells, remove enchantments from enemies as well as conditions and hexes from allies, and even spread useful conditions such as blind and cripple. A lot of the time if you've got good utility on your team then the amount of pressure against your team is greatly reduced. If you like being one of those underappreciated roles that do so much for a team that usually goes un-noticed, you should consider being one of these.

The last role to be discussed is the one everybody knows and loves, the damage dealers. These get all the glory since they're the ones who usually score the kills in a match. They double up and serve some utility purposes as well, in the form of knockdowns and damage pressure. Damage dealers can beat on a person and make them run away to get away from them, which will cut down on what that person is able to do. If you like hitting stuff then you've found your niche.

While there are probably more roles that can be discussed, as well as roles that should be expanded on (utility characters, for example), this should give you the basic idea of who's supposed to be doing what on each team.

Posts : 228
Join date : 2008-03-21

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