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SRO Scamming

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SRO Scamming Empty SRO Scamming

Post  WOW FAN Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:36 pm

Unfortunately, there are players that use to make money by stealing the money of other players with malefic ways. They called scammers and you have to be careful when a stranger:
is voluntarily offered to help you is saying that he sells something in a very low price is seemed/saying that he is in a hurry to sell something
adds you in his friend list when you never talked to him before
Surely, not all the people that want to help you or selling things in low prices are scammers, but the first thing a scammer will do is to try gaining your trust.

Spend some time to read the following common scamming acts that you have to avoid:

Scamming in exchange

Usually this is happened when you try to buy a SOx (or any other valuable item) by exchange. Firstly, the scammer shows you the real item. You see it, you decide that you like it and you are going to buy it... And then, as you import the gold amount in the exchange window, the scammer replaces the item with another one which has the same icon but not the same value.

How to avoid: When you both have placed the items/gold and the slots are turned blue, check again the item you are going to buy, to be sure that this is the one you wanted, before pressing the Approve button.

Scamming in a stall

Two are the common scamming actions in a stall: item and price replacement. Same as above, a scammer will show you a valuable item and before opening the stall he replaces the item. Or he may leave the item but adds a 0 in the price.

Usually, before the scammer opens the stall, he firstly made sure that lot of people are already in it. That makes you wanna be faster than the other players which also are interested for the item and you don't want to "waste" time to check it again before you buy it.

Always have in mind, that stallers who repeat again and again that they sell a really cheap item while you are already seeing people in their stall that are interested for it, they are 100% scammers. And also be sure that if someone says in public that sells a really cheap item and he repeats the same thing after 2 minutes, he is surely a scammer, because if he wasn't, the item would have be bought by someone in a glance when he firstly told it. If nobody took a really cheap item, then there must be a reason...

How to avoid: Check the item stats and its price while the stall is open before buying.

Item auto share party (a.k.a. "I can make your weapon +7")

The scammer is voluntarily offered to increase your weapon stats and make it +7, +8, +9853784... And when you say that you don't want to, he is swearing that you don't have to give the weapon to him, you just have to follow him. That should be enough for you to be sure that the guy is 100% a scammer. And yes, he is right, you won't give him your weapon, you will just distribute it to him... Very Happy

He will just ask you to join his party (it will be an item auto share party) and follow him. He will go to a place where there are no other players around. He will ask you to drop the item and get it back (you or your pet) because -as he is saying- when you will get it back it will be a +7...

In an item auto share party, when you pick up items, they either go in your inventory or they are distributed to another party member's inventory. So when you will pick up the weapon you dropped, it may will go to his inventory. But if it goes to yours, he will just tell you that the +7 failed and you have to do this once again (...till it goes to his inventory...).

How to avoid: Just tell him that if he really is so kind and want to make your weapon +7, he can just give you elixirs to do this all alone... Very Happy


There is no way that someone can make a SOS item! If somebody tells you that he can make your weapon SOS/SOM/SOSUN, he is just a scammer that believes you are a noob!

How to avoid: Get rid of him.

Silk adding

Why should somebody pay with real money to buy you silks? If you really think that he will and you have reasons to believe it, do as you wish. But if you don't really know the person who is saying that will buy you silks, think twice before you make any deal...

While the gift option is unavailable in Item Mall, the only ways for someone to add silks to your account are:
1. You tell him your username and password and he buy the silks for you as he is using your account
2. He tells you his credit card's info and you buy silk by using his credit card through your account

Of course, he will deny to give you his card's info (well... it sounds normal) so the only thing left is that you have to give him your account's info. If he is not a really good friend of yours just be prepared to say goodbye to your character's items or to your character at all if you make the mistake and give him your info...

How to avoid: Don't give your account information to anyone.


Why a scamming report is important
If someone is scammed in a way that we haven't heard about -so this way is not currently listed at the scamming topic- we will immediately add it to the list, in order to protect other users. So when someone posts a scamming report, he has to write in details how the scamming happened (what the scammer said, how the trick was happened, etc) and not just info about the lost item, because lost item's info are really unimportant while no one can do something about retrieving it.

The scamming reports we receive will be all available to Joymax and they could access them any time they want. If they believe that a user deserves to be banned, they will do something about it. But there is no way -even for Joymax- to get back lost items and give them to users. The only thing they can do -if they want- is to punish scammers as they do with botters.


Posts : 224
Join date : 2008-03-20

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