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Materials & Elements

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Materials & Elements Empty Materials & Elements

Post  WOW FAN Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:37 pm

You can get materials by killing monsters (every monster drops a different material). The materials are useless the way they are, so you have to dismantle them to elements in order to make stones.

To do so, you will need Void Rondos. You can buy them from the Grocery Traders at the General Shops. They cost only 20 gold per unit and you will need them all the time. So don't hesitate to buy a lot of them.

You can have a lot of void rondos in only one slot (5000 max) and you have to pay only 1 gold for putting all the rondos in storage no matter how many of them you have in the slot.

Before starting, make sure that your inventory has a lot of free space, since there are 4 types of elements (earth, water, fire and wind) and every type has a lot of different levels.

If your inventory has free space and you have the void rondos and the materials, press Y to open the alchemy window (or open alchemy by right click on it in action window). Go to the first tab of alchemy window, which is called "Material Processing".

Now, you only have to put the rondos at the left, the materials at the right and then click Fuse all.

If you want to sell your elements, try to sell them in a stall instead of selling them to NPCs, because NPCs buy them for a very small amount of gold. Every element has a different price and prices may be lower or higher depending on the server. The most common prices for the elements are:

TYPE ↓ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Earth 200 350 400 500 1000 1500 1000 1000

Water 200 350 750 750 1000 1250 500 1500

Fire 200 1200 400 500 800 900 750 1000

Wind 300 2000 750 2000 1000 1000 850 1500

Posts : 224
Join date : 2008-03-20

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