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2.3 Choosing your server

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2.3 Choosing your server Empty 2.3 Choosing your server

Post  vitas Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:26 am

The language of the server corresponds to the official language used to talk in game with the other players (chat). However, when connecting you can select the “game interface language" but this has nothing to do with the “server language”. Indeed, the language of the interface corresponds to the language in which the name of the monsters, weapons etc. and the NPC dialogs will be displayed.
On one single account, you can create up to 5 characters. You can share your Friend List (up to 30 friends) with all the characters of your account no matter the server they're on. In fact, they are accounts you listed as friends and not as characters. The Friend List is shared with all the servers but you’ll only see and be able to communicate (chat) with people on the same server you're on.
When you’re on one specific server, the content of your safe is divided between all your characters, no matter which bank you’re at. This way, you can transfer your items from a character in the bank of Astrub to another character in the bank of Bonta (or on the same bank) without any problem. However, you can not share anything between 2 characters on 2 different servers (neither characters, nor items or Kamas).
However, you can name your characters with the same name on different servers (provided no one else already chose it on the said server).
Server evolution level
The older a server is, the longer its life's been. Therefore its population is experimented both in fights and professions and crafted or dropped items are of a higher level and more widely spread.
However, the currency loses its value as time passes and you need more and more Kamas to buy items that you'll find at a cheaper price on a more recent server.

2.3.0 List of the different Servers (on 11.27.06)
Date of creation: 23/08/2004
Language: French.
Comment: Jiva is also a DOFUS character. She is the protector of Javian, first month of the year.

Date of creation: 01/09/2005
Language: English.
Comment: This is the first international server. Rushu is also a DOFUS character. He is the Demon Lord always confronting the gods.

Date of creation: 21/11/2005
Language: French.
Comment: Djaul is also a DOFUS character. He is Rushu’s military arm in the World and is the protector of Descendre, last month of the year.

Date of creation: 22/02/2006
Language: French.
Comment: Raval is also a DOFUS character. He is the protector of Septangel, ninth month of the year.

Date of creation: 25/04/2006
Language: French.
Comment: Hecate is also a DOFUS character. She is the protector of Jullier, seventh month of the year.

Date of creation: 08/06/2006
Language: French.
Comment: Sumens is also a DOFUS character. He is the protector of Junssidor, sixth month of the year.

Date of creation: 29/08/2006
Language: French.
Comment: Menalt is also a DOFUS character. He is the protector of Martalo, third month of the year. He was killed by Hyrkul during the legendary Crimson Dawn fight. You can see his statue in the Cemetery of the Heroes, south from Astrub (coordinates: 1; -10).

Date of creation: 26/09/2006
Language: English
Comment: Rosal is a DOFUS character. He is the protector of Maysial, fifth month of the year. This server is our second international server.

Date of creation: 03/10/2006
Language: French
Comment: Maimane is a DOFUS character. He is the protector of Octolliard, tenth month of the year.

2.3.1 An appropriate speech
Be clear when you speak! This is essential! Whether you are in game or on a forum, there are rules you must respect when communicating with others to avoid being sent packing...
Write clearly, watch spelling and grammar mistakes! Experienced players know that people who do not express themselves clearly usually do not think before they speak either. And players would rather spend their time doing something useful than wasting their time answering questions from people who did not pay attention to what they were writing. That's why you must be very clear when you ask a question. If you do not care about what you're writing, people won't bother to read it either. Please watch your language! This does not mean that it has to be strict and formal but just respectful. (Have a look at the Role play section for more information).

2.3.2 Role Play (RP)
RP is the abbreviated form of Role Play which literally means to play a role/part. Playing RP, as we say, is giving your character a real life including a history, creating him a personality, a style etc. Playing RP is a bit like acting in a play with no precise scenario but with a live scenario building up as life passes by with the other present persons. To make it all clear, in a RP game you embody a character, but you are NOT him. You're just like an actor. You play a part in a fantasy world.

The character you embody won't look like you, won't have the same personality, won't have the same attitude, qualities and failings, ambitions and certainly won't have the same background. It's up to you to determine who you want your character to be and to do everything you can to make it happen and create a fantastic, unique character. While creating such a character, try not to stick to your own personality and experiences too much.

Be inventive and make the most out of the acting! This way, your character can be very different from who you are. However, it can also be a copy of your own personality if you're not too inspired but don't forget to adapt it to the game universe within which your character will evolve.

2.3.3 PvP Mode
Bonta and Brakmar have been enemy cities as from the dawn of times and ever since have been fighting ruthless. Join the ranks and fight for your city. Thanks to this alignment you’ll be able to help conquer territories that will give you assets against the enemy city.

Posts : 146
Join date : 2008-03-22

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