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Karazhan Strategy Guide PART ONE II

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Karazhan Strategy Guide PART ONE II Empty Karazhan Strategy Guide PART ONE II

Post  deckthree Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:52 am

NOTE: As of 03/19/07 you can reset this encounter, as well as any other Opera House encounter, by jumping over the edge of the balcony towards the audience (you will fall into the empty room below and will have less to clear if there are repops). Near the center of the balcony seems to be a good spot to jump…You cant clear the railing in one jump but you can jump halfway up it, then over the edge on your next jump. At the very least, you could get your warlock and two others to jump over so the warlock can summon the rest of the raid past respawns to continue attempts.

In one of our recent attempts…a person that had agro jumped over the balcony and it caused a reset even though there were still people alive up on the balcony. Luckily one of them was a priest and the priest was easily able to rez the jumper and everyone else on the audience side of the curtain. I dont know if that was a one-time fluke but its worth a shot especially if you have respawns.

Strategy 1


Kill Dorothy
Gain threat on Roar
Tank Strawman (and kill)
Fear Roar
Gain threat on Tinhead, apply frost & kite (Mage)
Kill Tinhead
Kill Roar
Kill Crone
Dorothee is untankable and will attack at random, so have everyone unleash full DPS and burn her down as fast as possible.

Now, each add is not spawned (or ”enabled”) at the same time. Dorothee and Roar are attackable upon engagement, followed in 15 seconds by the Strawman, and 15-20 seconds later by Tinhead. Strawman is tanked in the Southwest corner. The off-tank should build aggro on Roar until Tinhead spawns, which will keep Roar coming back to him for the entire duration of the fight. The off-tank leaves Roar as soon as Tinhead engages and leaves Roar to be feared by the Warlock. If you have a hunter, you can have warlock fear Roar as soon possible to minimize damage and have the hunter misdirect to OT and distracting shot roar while he is feared.

A mage starts to cast frost spells at Tinhead when the tank has some aggro, and when 8 stacks have been reached the warrior stops producing aggro on Tinhead, leaving him to be kited around the room by the mage spamming Ice Lance.

When Dorothee and Tito are killed, DPS moves on to the Strawman and kills him. After that, the Warrior starts building threat on Roar again and tanks him in the Southwest corner. The Warlock also stops fearing Roar now and starts DPSing Tinhead, who is being kited around by the mage and by now should be at around 50%.

When all of these are killed there is a short break before The Crone spawns. The Crone is very easy; he is a tank and spank without a lot of HP, the only thing is the cyclone that goes around the room counter-clockwise that you have to watch out for. This means everyone has to keep moving almost constantly. This is not a problem for the healers, as two renews can keep the MT up.

Strategy 2
The overall strategy being somewhat similar to the one above, instead you do the following:

Kill Dorothee, Kill Tito. Tito has very little health and damage but his death causes Dorothee to go into a nasty enrage: make sure she dies first!
When Roar aggros, fear him every 4-6 seconds: this should be your Warlocks only focus as Roar will one or two shot cloth.
When Strawman aggros, apply non-stop fire damage to disorient him, scorch is well suited for this task (1.5 second cast allows for the occasional resist safely) and a properly specced fire mage can have him down to 60% be the time Dorothee and Toto are dead. Save your Fire Blast for those rare times when he resists 2 scorches in a row.
When Tinman aggros, tank him in the far right corner of the stage, away from everyone, while a second mage Rank 1 frostbolts to quickly apply rust. This will keep the mage’s damage down and allow the tank to kite him rather than the mage, preferable since the tank can take a few hits from the Tinman while the mage may not be able to. Using rank 1 frostbolt is designed to make it feasible for even a fire specced mage to keep Tinman under control, and to apply the debuffs quickly. Remember: its not the strength of the frostbolt but rather the number of bolts Tinman has been hit with, similar to Viscidus. Do NOT Frost Nova: it negates the point of kiting and Tinman will simply strike whoever is conveniently nearby.
Once Dorothee dies, kill Strawman (keep scorching so theres no need to tank.)
Kill Roar. (If you have two tanks, tank him. Otherwise just keep him feared while you dps.)
Kill Tinman. (Tank continues to kite the whole time.)
Kill Crone, move in a clockwise movement around the stage to avoid the cyclone.
Strategy 3
Using the below strategy, we were able to 1 shot the Wizard of Oz event. For this strategy you need 2 warriors, 1 warlock and of course someone who can do frost damage. 3 healers is recommended with 2 priests and a druid being ideal. The main difference with the above strategies is that we kill them according to the ability to be controlled. It happened too often that while DPSing down Dorothy the debuff on the Strawman didn’t proc and he killed a couple healers or we used too much dps on the strawman that it took ages to get Dorothy down. So what we do is tank Tinman until he has enough debuffs and then the tank will kite him. We tank Strawman while DPSing him first. Dorothy is ignored for a while because she doesn’t do all that much damage anyway and a few HoTs is enough to heal that.

He can hit quite hard, so make sure people are prepared for the healing assignments. He has approximately 190,000 Health.

Romulo should be tanked so his back is turned towards the wall, thus limiting the knockback effect on the dps.

A Detect Magic should be kept up on Romulo at all times so you can pay attention to when Romulo gains ”Daring”. A mage must Spell Steal this, a Felhunter Devour this or it must be Dispelled ASAP. Having a Felhunter’s ”Devour Magic” spell on Auto-cast will cause him to remove the buff the instant it is applied, since Romulo does not have any other buffs for the Felhunter to blow his 8-second cooldown on. It is preferred to simply remove Romulo’s buff using Dispel/Purge/Devour and have a Mage Spell Steal Julianne’s buff, since it will boost the mage’s DPS. This buff can easily make or break your fight.

During Phase 3, When you fight Romulo and Julianne simultaneously, you must kill them both with-in 10 seconds of each other or they resurrect.

Romulo isn’t immune to disarm and keeping him disarmed is a key to this fight. It is recommended to use disarm as soon as he gains the ”Daring” buff in order to decrease his DPS for the few seconds it takes for the buff to be removed.

NOTE: As of 03/19/07 you can reset this encounter, as well as any other Opera House encounter, by jumping over the edge of the balcony towards the audience (you will fall into the empty room below and will have less to clear if there are repops). Near the center of the balcony seems to be a good spot to jump…You cant clear the railing in one jump but you can jump halfway up it, then over the edge on your next jump. At the very least, you could get your warlock and two others to jump over so the warlock can summon the rest of the raid past respawns to continue attempts.

In one of our recent attempts…a person that had agro jumped over the balcony and it caused a reset even though there were still people alive up on the balcony. Luckily one of them was a priest and the priest was easily able to rez the jumper and everyone else on the audience side of the curtain. I dont know if that was a one-time fluke but its worth a shot especially if you have respawns.


Posts : 59
Join date : 2008-03-27

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