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Lotro Classes Overview

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Lotro Classes Overview Empty Lotro Classes Overview

Post  sarah Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:21 pm

Choosing your class is one of the most exciting aspects of any great MMORPG, and LOTRO is no different. A class is a basic choice of player for Lord of the Rings Online and your class will determine your different abilities, skills, and features throughout the game. A class also has individually tailored stats and accomplishments, and different equipment is available to different classes in the game. When you select your class, remember that you may be constrained by what race or gender you decide upon. Check out the LOTRO classes below.
Available LOTRO Classes:
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Lotro Classes Overview Burgler
The Burglar class is just what you might expect, a master of sneaking around in secret and attacking with misdirection and different stealth style attacks. The ultimate class for players who want to rely on cunning and deft manuevers.

This class is available to the Man and Hobbit races.
Primary function: The primary role of the Burglar is to rob creatures and monsters of their ability to deal heavy damage and remain at full strength. A debuffer class. Also helps yield conjunction opportunities for your group.
CaptainLotro Classes Overview Captain
The Captain class is a leadership class, a commanding player who can strengthen it's allies on the battlefield. Also very skilled in the use of arms. Uses various battle cries to dismantle his enemies, and work to rally his allies to victory.

This class is available to the Man race.
Primary function: The Captain class is well armoured and can help their party with great enhancements on the battlefield. Can also summon a pet at later levels and bring fallen heroes back into the action.

ChampionLotro Classes Overview Champion
The champion class is the complete and utter warrior, known for unrelenting battle prowness and a knack for being in the thick of battle. They use extremely powerful attacks and excel in the standard warrior melee combat tactics, as well as thick armor and the ability to take a few hits.

This class is available to the Dwarf, Elf, and Man races.
Primary function: The primary gains of the Champion class are AOE (Area of Effect) attacks and a high level of damage per second. The Champion will trade it's life for the ability to do major damage to multiple creatures.
GuardianLotro Classes Overview Guardian
The Guardian class is a protection class. They protect the party members in need. They are capable to taking a lot of damage and even retaliating with the same. The guardian will stand face first in the thick of battle, shielding allies from the enemies and their damaging attacks.

Available to the Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, and Man races
Primary function: The standard tank class, the Guardian can wear heavy armor types and grow their defensive skills to the maximum. He is also an aggro-grabbing class, and will draw the enemies away from friendlies.
HunterLotro Classes Overview Hunter
The Hunter class dominates the landscape. They are completely unmatched when it comes to ranged attacks thanks to their unyielding bow skill. They use their survival capabilities to guide their group mates as well as laying traps for the enemies. Can defend in melee range but ultimatly strong from a ranged distance and not up close.

Available to the Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, and Man races.
Primary function: The nuker class, the Hunter is able to deal great damage from a ranged distance.

Lore-masterLotro Classes Overview Lore-master
The Lore-master class is the master of wisdom and knowledge. They wield the secrets of ancient lore to help friends and destroy foes. Their mastery of lore helps to protect their friends from the dangerous powers of the enemies.

Available to the Elf and Man races.
Primary function: Crowd control is a key function of the Lore-master class, as no other class comes close. They can trap creatures and also use pets on the battlefield.
MinstrelLotro Classes Overview Minstrel
The Minstrel class is the heart of a solid group and the home of renewal and hope. They use ancient music and lore to ward off evil forces and relieve their friends of the damaging power of the dark and wretched enemy forces.

Available to the Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, and Man races.
Primary function: A master at surviving and keeping it's friends alive in Middle-Earth. Also able to deal damage on the battlefield with light based attacks and various musical songs of power.
Classes Grid
Lotro Classes Overview Classes-grid

Posts : 201
Join date : 2008-03-22

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