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Overview of Fortress war

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Overview of Fortress war Empty Overview of Fortress war

Post  adeehe Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:47 am

A fortress war is a guild combat with up to 300 users participated.
All of the guilds on the Silkroad fiercely fight each other to occupy the fortresses distributed at various locations.

The fortresses are located in the vicinity of large cities (large fortresses) and trading centers (small fortresses). Guilds succeeding in occupying large fortresses are entitled to fix tax rate and levy taxes in large cities. Guilds succeeding in occupying small fortresses are entitled to fix tax rate and levy taxes at trading centers, ferries, private boats and tunnels.Fortress name Jangan
Fortress Bandit
Fortress Donwhang
Fortress Black Robber Den
Fortress Hotan
Fortress Constantinople
Fortress Evil-order
Fortress Samarkand
Location Grassland in
China Tiger
Mountain Western
China Tarim Basin Hotan Eastern Europe Asia Minor Central Asia
Type Large Small Large Small Large Large Small Large
Implemented Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented

<-- Distribution of Fortresses -->

In the fortresses, it is allowed for occupying guilds to produce items relevant to the fortress wars, train different transportation measures, and enjoy comfort rest.
The fortress war takes place on every Friday (Silkroad standard time).
A guild winning the fortress war is entitled to occupy the fortress for one week.
A guild occupying a fortress is allowed to fix tax rate on every Saturday, and levy taxes.
A server succeeded in occupying the fortress is announced on the homepage two hours after completion of the fortress war, and the tax rate is notified on the homepage at 00:01 on every Sunday morning.

You can move to the fortress as follows.

Movement through the gate of the fortress

You can make access to a fortress through the gate of the fortress located in the field.
Guilds defending a fortress and those applied for fortress attacking are only allowed to participate the game during the fortress war period; however, any guilds are allowed to do so before the fortress war starts. If the fortress is crowded or guild member is wearing job uniform, entering into a fortress is forbidden.
The guilds occupying the fortress and the alliance guilds are allowed to move to Gate of Charge or Gate of Glory outside the exterior castle through Gate of Revival.

Returning to Fortress

Guild wearing uniform indicating his/her job is not allowed to enter into a fortress; and no guild is allowed to do so when the quota has been reached.

Moving from inside of the exterior castle to outside of the castle

The guilds occupying the fortress and the alliance guilds are allowed to move to Gate of Charge, Gate of Glory or adjacent large city outside the exterior castle through Gate of Revival inside the exterior castle. http://sro.mmosite.com/guides/fortress/overview.shtml

Posts : 89
Join date : 2008-04-03

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