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Shumi's Lost Bundle of Money

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Shumi's Lost Bundle of Money Empty Shumi's Lost Bundle of Money

Post  UNICEFUSA Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:18 pm

Obstacles/Monsters: Lasers (The ones that appear and dissapear), Moving Laser, Stirges.

Part 1
There are 3 ropes, and lasers. Take the left rope, get used to the stalling spots, and get to the top. Next, there are lots of lasers, and platforms crowded together making a 'stair' formation. At the top, go to the second platform from the right or the far left platform. The far left platform takes you to the right side of the next part, and the second from the right takes you to the left side of the next part. The other platforms at the top will 'toss' you around. Next, the platforms are shaped like a W, and depending on the platform you pressed ^ on, you will be on the right or left point. Climb to the top, duck until the lasers are gone. As soon as they disappear completely, climb up the ladder. The lasers will FINALLY be gone! Well, except for the one in the middle. There are lasers going through the middle only, and one going up and down like in the lvl 20 one. There is a 'square' of platforms going around the edge, go to the top of it and wait for the lasers to disappear and the moving laser to be at the bottom. Climb up to the portal.
Part 2
Start and fall down here. Press ^ on the light, and climb to the top of the room. Go behind the wall, jump again. If you're lucky you will land on the portal, if not you will have to climb.
Jr. Wraiths and Jr. Boogies galore! If you want to get it over with click on the treasure chest.
Part 1, section 1: Take the left rope and look for stalling gaps. Part 1, section 2 and 3: You can duck in some places, watch the lasers. Part 1, section 4: When at the top of the square, wait for everything to leave.

Part 2, section 1: Fall, fall fall Part 2, section 2 and 3: You can duck or even stand up in some places, but don't think that the floor is actually solid...

Extra: Get in the subway by going into a sign and walk to the ladder past the treasure chest.


On the right of each ladder, theres a brown looking pole that is divided into cubes.
Take the second ladder to your left.
Take note of where your head is, it should be under the 4th cube of the pole next to you
Wait until the lasers go out COMPLETELY. One hit and you go off
When they go out, Go to they 7th or 8th cube of the pole ( your body should fit there )
Lasers out, Go up until you are nearly at the electric fence travel wire
Lasers out, Go and duck at the nearby electric fence at the top left
Lasers out, Go and quickly duck under the electric fences at the top.
Lasers out, Go to the 2nd last brick at the side(left or right) and press up.
Jump and duck sometimes and NEVER stop in the middle of the ladder.
If the moving laser is up and lasers out, jump and quickly get onto the side.
Keep going and beware of the laser at the top.
When you see the 0 and the slash (/) on a sign, it means if you fall, you fall more down.

Study the Lasers and eventually you`ll get it.
When you are done the 2 phrases of lasers, go and jump and FALL onto the portal spot
You will get knock back from the free fall so you need to keep going a little.
Jump Quest area completed

Redo Subway Jumping quest - 2 Random Jewel Ores (except Diamond or Black Crystal )

Posts : 67
Join date : 2008-03-27

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