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Shumi's Lost Coin

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Shumi's Lost Coin Empty Shumi's Lost Coin

Post  UNICEFUSA Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:18 pm

Construction Site B1 WALKTHROUGH Obstacles/Monsters: Moving Laser, Electric Wires, Jr Neckis, Stirges

The first part is separated into four areas. The first and second area you shouldn't have much trouble with it. The third area may prove to be a bit irritating to do. The fourth area is considered the hardest part in this Jump Quest as it is nearly impossible to get hit by the laser. Try to take advantage of knockback by allowing yourself to get hit back rather than fighting it otherwise you'll fall.

The second part is considered annoying but you've gone through the worst of this jump quest. Stirges will try to get in your way by knocking you off the small platforms and to make matters worse, the electric wires will be a nuisance too. There is a way to prevent yourself from getting knocked off of a platform when hit by a laser: when one is descending towards you, time a jump so that you hit the laser when you are in mid-air. This will cause you to fall back down and land right back on the platform, taking only a single damage. Take advantage of the four-second invincibility timer that occurs after you get hit, and continue onwards. Also, when you encounter the electric wires that shoot beams from one orb to another, you can simply duck to prevent yourself from getting zapped.

Once you're through, you'll have a 99 minute time limit to hunt bubblings or you can just look into the chest. Congratulations, you have passed through Shumis first Jump Quest!

When you are ready to leave, click the Treasure Chest to collect Shumi's Coin.
If the quest is already complete, you will receive two random mineral ores (Adamantium, Bronze, Mithril, Silver, Orihalcon, or Steel) instead.

Posts : 67
Join date : 2008-03-27

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