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Tyria > Allies Devona

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Tyria > Allies  Devona Empty Tyria > Allies Devona

Post  TinWhistler Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:05 am

Born in: Rin
Nation: Ascalon
Profession: Warrior
Age: 24

Devona is quite serious and very direct in her dealings with other people. She aspires to be a great Warrior, just like her father. Sometimes this aspiration turns into a tremendous internal pressure to succeed. Devona's father was one of the leaders of a prestigious and highly respected guild—Ascalon's Chosen. He lost his life defending the city walls against a raid by an Orrian guild during the last Guild War. Devona was only a little girl at the time, but since that day, she has dedicated her life to mastering the martial arts of sword and hammer.

Devona naturally rises to lead most any group she is with, and in Cantha she often butts heads with both Togo and Mhenlo, despite her lack of experience on the southern continent. She always assesses any situation before rushing in. This often puts her at odds with the brash Cynn or the impulsive Lo Sha—and when her temper gets the best of her, this often erupts into verbal, though not physical, conflict. But whatever differences she might have with her allies, she is loyal to a fault. Devona would sacrifice her own life to save the life of a friend, and frequently puts herself in harm's way to protect those who travel with her. Devona was the first of Mhenlo's friends to volunteer to join him in Cantha. Indeed, there was no question she would join him, she told the monk. Loyalty demanded it.

Posts : 97
Join date : 2008-03-29

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