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Tyria > Allies cynn

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Tyria > Allies cynn Empty Tyria > Allies cynn

Post  TinWhistler Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:05 am

Born in: Surmia
Nation: Ascalon
Profession: Elementalist
Age: 20

A former child prodigy, Cynn always had people catering to her every whim. Her family was among the nobility in the city of Surmia—until the Charr invasion and the Searing. When Ascalon was destroyed, Cynn was caught outside the Wall (Surmia was one of the first places to fall during the initial assault). A magical projectile fell directly upon her palatial home, killing her parents and trapping her under a broken table for several days. A Charr warband discovered her while looting the city. They dug her out, thinking to make a meal of her, but Cynn had other ideas. She single-handedly wiped out the entire warband, turning them and the remains of her home into little more than a smoldering pile of ash.

Cynn is a bit of a princess but with a decidedly dark streak. She's often cynical and flippant when dealing with authorities or situations that seem hopeless. She's highly intelligent, and magic comes easily to her. Because of her experiences during the Searing, Cynn has developed a rather cavalier attitude toward her own death. Consequently, she tends to bite off more than she can chew, and often gets herself and her friends into trouble. She has joined Mhenlo's expedition to Cantha to satisfy her own curiosity, to learn new ways to make things explode, and out of an honest (though well-hidden) desire to stop the mysterious threat in Cantha before the southern continent sees the same kind of devastation that has wracked the northern realms of Tyria.

Posts : 97
Join date : 2008-03-29

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