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Best Friends

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Best Friends Empty Best Friends

Post  michael Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:46 am

In my first days of World of Warcraft, I was a curious little tauren druid. Running through Ashenvale exploring new territory in my newly acquired cat form, it wasn't long until I stumbled upon another new territory that appeared in red letters on my screen that read "Darkshore (Alliance Territory)."

I felt a familiar sense of danger that thrilled me and seduced me to keep going forward. So onward I ran, following the path into the enemy's domain, finding nothing but monsters that were of no threat to me until I came across a night elf hunter killing bears.

It was my first encounter with someone from the Alliance and I was intrigued by her. Then she shot me with an arrow and so I retaliated by hitting her which caused her to turn and run away. I chased her for a few seconds, then I stopped and tried to say somthing to her but when she stopped running in order to respond it was in a language that was completely foreign to me, so it only ended up in getting me confused.

She walked back to me and started doing various emotes like /sorry and /hug. Then for the next hour we were running around Darkshore communicating with each other through emotes and killing stuff together.

The very next day I'm on my way to Thunderbluff to learn new class skills when I suddenly get a surprise whisper from a stranger. It was the night elf that I had played together with last night! She deleted her hunter in order to make a Horde character to play with me. Ever since then we've been best friends, always playing together.

We've rolled characters on various realms until we finally made Darrowmere our home. The people around us would joke about us looking like a couple because we did pretty much everything in the game together, but we weren't. We were best friends who really enjoyed playing World of Warcraft with each other and still continue to do so.

Posts : 118
Join date : 2008-03-22

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