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fights with friends.

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fights with friends. Empty fights with friends.

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:12 am

okay, i know some people are going to be like, "it's maple, get over it," but i need to rant and this is a maplestory rant forum lol.

a friend of mine recently started dating this girl and ever since, he's been being an all-around jerk. in general, he's just been so.. i don't know. he puts her above the rest of his friends so when we're bored, he's like, "sorry, busy," but when he's bored (aka when she's offline), it's still our job to be good friends and entertain him.

at first, i brushed it off. everyone's like that. but today, i made a joke about how he was cheating on her with one of our mutual guy friends (and she laughed) but he got really pissy about it. clearly overreacting, he says something like, "do you thrive on irritating the xxxx out of other people? go away."

i responded with "wow. okay." and scrolled to another town.

while i was offline, he removed me because he "thought i removed him." if our mutual friends tell you i'm offline... well, let's just say that cuts a few holes in your reasoning. he readded me but i refuse to talk to him. i have a lot of pride (bad, i know) and i'm not going to apologise for his overreaction and subsequent jerkish actions.

i know this is dumb and i think we'll get over it later on but UGH. i know i'm not a guy but i still think the saying "bros before hos" should apply. http://forums.mapletip.com/index.php?showtopic=119975

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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