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Client Configuration

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Client Configuration Empty Client Configuration

Post  tuinman159 Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:51 pm

There are two ways to configure your client. Start the launcher and click
Options or log in with a character, press ESC and choose "Options". The Options
menu in the launcher is simple and only allows you to configure Resolution,
Graphics Quality, Brightness and Sound. If you use the one in-game though you
will have much more tweaking alternatives such as keyboard configuration,
drawing distance, graphics quality of single elements (water, shadows, etc.)

[Client Configuration Information by teodortenchev]

Logging in

Start the game, choose a server from the list and enter your info.

Due to the increased interest in the game, the servers are almost always full.
You will have a hard time logging in sometimes. Just keep trying until you are
in. If it doesn't let you log in from a few retries then try again at a later
time. There are certain hours when the servers are not crowded you just have to
find the right time according to your time zone. New servers are getting opened
once every few months.

[Logging In Information by teodortenchev]


When starting a new character you don't need to worry, because all that
your choices on the Create Character Screen won't affect your character much.

You get to choose the sex of the character. Yes, most females in the game
are males in real life. Females look different from males, and the clothes they
buy look different from males.

Now you choose your desired weapon, it won't be permanant, you can change
your weapon choice at a later stage in the game.

Then you have to choose what clothes you want to wear. I'll give you a
small explanation of what each type is about.
Armor - Has the most PHYSICAL defense out of the three, but the least
MAGICAL defense. It is ideal for Nukers(see build section for more info).
Protector - Has balanced PHYSICAL and MAGICAL defense, as in that it is
inbetween Garment and Armor. It is ideal for Pure Strength Builds when in the
caves(because there are lots of high physical monsters in the caves) although it
is not to great when Pure Strength Builds are pvping (playing versus playing
fighting) against Nukers.
Garment - Has high MAGICAL defense and low PHYSICAL defense, it is ideal
for Pure Strength Builds as it provides a lot of help when fighting against
magical monsters and fighting against Nukers in pvp battles.


There are 3 main trees from which the builds branch of; Pure Strength, Pure
Intelligence and Hybrid(a mixture of Strength and Intelligence).

When you level you get Stat points which you can put on Str or Int. Putting
it in Str gives you more physical damage and more hitpoints. Putting it on Int
gives you more magical damage and more mana points.

As you may have guessed putting all your stat points on Str makes you Pure
Strength and putting them all on Int makes your Pure Intelligence. But what
about Hybdrid? As I said before it is a mixture of Int and Str. Hybrid is a very
difficult build, since you can make a VERY good hybrid or a very BAD hybrid. For
example a Int Hybrid will have mainly Int and a bit of Str, this character will
do less damage BUT will have more hp.

Although this is the builds section, all the various builds and what skills
are required/recommended and more is under the skill points section as I think
it is best suited there.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2008-04-01

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