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Skill Points

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Skill Points Empty Skill Points

Post  tuinman159 Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:53 pm

Skill points or SP as it is commonly called in the game is a major factor
of this game. Skill points are required to buy skills.

Pure Strength Blader

Pure Strength Blader is considered by some as the "best" end game build.
Although this MAY be true I personally think its because Bladers easist to fight
with as you don't need to worry about strategies as much as with other builds.
You mainly tank (as in you have lots of HP and a shield so your defense is great
so you can let lots of mobs or players attack you and live).

I would recommend you wear garment equipment. As that will be most useful
for you in pvp fights against nukers. As for skills this should give you an idea
of what you should aim for in skills for level 70.

|~~~ Bicheon ~~~|
Skill Level 61
- Chain Sword Series - Illusion Chain lvl 9;
Billow Chain lvl 9;
Heavens Chain lvl 6
- Hidden Blade Series - Blood Blade Force lvl 1;
Soul Blade Force lvl 11
- Killing Heaven Blade Series - Flower Bloom Blade lvl 10;
Flower Bud Blade lvl 8
- Sword Dance Series - Snake Sword Dance lvl 1;
Petal Sword Dance lvl 4
- Shield Protections Series(passive) - Shield Protection lvl 6
Skill Points Required - 35,931 SP Required

|~~~ Cold ~~~|
Skill Level 61
- Frost Guard Series - Weak guard of ice lvl 9;
Soft guard of ice lvl 9;
Power guard of ice lvl 7
- Cold Armor Series(passive) - Cold Armor lvl 6
Skill Points Required - 21592 SP Required

|~~~ Lightning ~~~|
Skill Level 61
- Piercing Force Series - Must-Piercing force lvl 3;
Flow-Piercing force lvl 3;
Speed-Piercing force lvl 3
- Wind Walk Series - Grass walk-Flow lvl 12;
Ghost walk-phantom lvl 10;
Grass walk-Speed lvl 4
- Concentration Series - Concentration-1st lvl 6;
Concentration-2nd lvl 6
- Heaven's Force Series(passive) - Heaven's Force lvl 6
Skill Points Required - 29596 SP Required

|~~~ Fire ~~~|
Level 61
- Fire Force Series - River fire force lvl 9;
Extreme fire force lvl 9;
Poison fire force lvl 9
- Fire Shield Series - Fire shield-Phoenix lvl 6;
Fire shield-Flower lvl 6;
Fire shield-King lvl 5
- Flame Body Series - Flame body-Wisdom lvl 3;
Flame body-Power lvl 3;
Flame body-Extreme lvl 2
- Fire Protection Series - Basic fire protection lvl 9;

- Flame Devil Force Series - Max it out!
Skill Points Required - 35069 SP Required

Total SP Required - 122,188 SP

I found this article very interesting so I decided to include it in this
guide as I find it shines a lot of light upon the Hybrid guild. This article was
written by SuicideGrl from Silkroad Forums. This article will not follow my
pattern of writing as this is not written or changed in any way by me.

What exactly is a hybrid build?

(from Webster.com)
hy' - brid: n. a person whose background is a blend of two diverse cultures or

In SRO, there is a lot of talk about the "best" build(s). People naturally want
their characters to be strong, and preferrably as strong as - or stronger than -
everyone else. Many players on both the Korean and International servers have
come up with builds that are extremely good at what they do. Most of these
builds are "pure" builds: the player has put ALL of his/her character's stat
points into EITHER str OR int. There's no arguing that these characters are
killing machines and that, with the right gear and skills, they can own just
about anything they touch.

But what about the rest of us who want something different, something other than
a Xerox or cookie-cutter build?? One answer to this question is creating a
hybrid character. Hybrids, as you probably know, have put stat points in BOTH
str AND int. This approach has many advantages: it gives the character more HP
and more physical dmg than than a pure int character, and it gives it more MP
and more magical dmg than a pure str character. However, these boons come with
their disadvantages as well: hybrids will never have as much HP/MP or do as much
phys/mag dmg as their pure counterparts.

Why would I want to make one? Aren't "pure" builds better/stronger/faster/etc.?

Hybrids are the true utility characters. They may not excel in anything, but
they're good at virtually EVERYTHING. Hybrids kill fairly well in PvE and use
less pots than pure chars. They are good at all jobs and can have a very diverse
skill set. They are decent PvP charactrers. If you are the type of player who
likes ALL the elements of SRO and wants to be pretty good at all of them, a
hybrid build might be the one for you.

Besides, one of the main draws for me in creating a hybrid character was the
fact that it's different. I didn't want another pure str fire glaive. SuicideGrl
is unique, and it's one of the reasons I love her so much.

Ok, so I've decided to go hybrid. Now what the heck do I do?

Experiment. The beauty of being a hybrid is the freedom to choose different
skills, playing styles, and tactics that may or may not be the smartest way to
go for a pure character. Wondering how a certain buff will improve your game?
Get a few ranks in it. Curious as to whether you'd make a decent nuker? Throw a
few points at it and see. Curious as to what it's like to hunt with a bow rather
than the glaive you started with? Try it out, see what works for you. If you
make a mistake, you can always undo a rank or two, but ultimately the more
different kinds of skills you have, the more rich your hybrid experience can be.

There are three basic types of hybrids: 1:1 hybrids, in which the character's
str and it are kept as close as possible; "int heavy" hybrids, in which int is
favored above strength at a 2:1 or sometimes 3:1 or more ratio; and "str heavy"
hybrids, in which str is favored in the same way as above. Each of these
commands a different style of play. An int hybrid will be an effective nuker but
won't tank as well. A str hybrid will be able to load up their front end dmg but
probably should leave nukes alone. A 1:1 hybrid is probably the most
challenging, as they don't have any obvious strengths but also lack some of the
obvious weaknesses. Think about how you want to play and apply your stat points
as necessary. Also, remember that this build type is about experimentation. Feel
like your physical attacks need a boost? Pump all 3 points next lvl into str. Do
what feels right.

Important note: Being a hybrid is all about balance. That means your character's
physical and magical balances are KEY to your success. If you're going 1:1,
you're gonna wanna shoot for 75% or more in both physical and magical balances.
2:1 buils should shoot for 80%+ in their main stat and 70%+ in their sub stat.
Balances are tough to monitor, however. Every time you lvl, you automatically
get one point in str and one in int. this can change your balance, and you may
have to do something - add more points ot one or the other, buy statted gear or
alchemy some on, etc. - in order to balance it out. Remember, with teh new
alchemy system, it's possible to get +55 int and +55 str on your gear (+60 in
each of you're a blader/swordie, due to the shield), so high balances as a
hybrid are completely possible. it's probably doable to have over 90% in your
dominant stat if you plan carefully.

What skills do I need to have as a hybrid?

Being a hybrid is about more than just how you spend your stat points. It's a
holistic style of play. Hybrids are the jack-of-all-trades of the SRO world. The
person in your guild who has maxed res? Probably a hybrid. The random person you
see grinding who's doing big dmg with both nukes and physical attacks? Almost
DEFINITELY a hybrid. But what about the trader you click on as he's trundling by
and see that he's lvl2 in ALL 3 JOBS? Even if he's a pure build, that guy's a
hybrid, in a manner of speaking. So is the guy in your guild who has maxed bow
AND spear skills. A hybrid can be thought of as anyone who doesn't specialize in
any one thing, but branches out to be a more broad character.

However, there are some very important skills to have if you're going to be a
hybrid. First of all, the motto of hybrid play is every little bit helps. You're
going to wanna think about geting every passive skill you can, especially
Heuksal's "Cheolsam Force" (which raises your HP) and Force's "Force Increasing"
(which does the same for MP). You're also going to want to max your imbue and
the appropriate buffs for your character (obviously a blade user doesn't need a
bird buff, nor does a glaive user need a shield blocking buff). For physical
attacks, concentrate on the ones that do the most dmg, as these will be your
most important skills for close combat. If you're an int hybrid, getting your
nukes and other ranged attacks as high as possible is also important. As before,
do what feels right. These aren't rules, just suggestions.

What the heck should I wield and wear?

As a hybrid, your choice of weapon should be based, again, on your preferred
style of play. Glaive/spear hybrids do big dmg, sword/blade hybrids have flashy
moves and the ability to block attacks, and bow hybrids can kill from afar. You
can even choose to use more than one weapon. A member of an alliance guild has
maxed his sword AND bow techniques and is deadly with both.

Armor type is another personal choice which depends a lot on style of play.
Armor is good for some hybrids because it reduces physical dmg, which is a plus
due to a hybrid's lower average HP compared to, say, a pure str. Armor is a good
choice for hybrid players who are mostly interested in PvE, since statistically
fewer mobs use magical attacks than physical ones. Garment reduces magical dmg,
which is a plus in PvP and against certain mobs. It also grants a MP usage
bonus, which is useful due to a lower average MP, and a speed boost, which is
useful no matter WHO you are. Protector gives the best of both worlds, in my
opinion. You get higher physical dmg reduction than garment and higher magical
dmg reduction than armor, while still retaining bonuses to MP consumption and
speed, albeit not as high as garment. Protector is, in my opinion, the ultimate
hybrid gear, as it truly is a hybrid itself. But as before, do what feels right
for your style of play.

WHATEVER you pick, you're going to want to chose gear that adds bonuses to your
stat of choice, or both stats when possible. SuicideGrl's gear adds a whopping
17 to her int and 7 to her str. 17 points of int makes her nuke as if she was
almost 6 lvls higher than she is. This is an amazing plus to any hybrid. if you
can find gear that adds to your stats at a good price (and sometimes a little
sacrifice is worth it), buy it. You WILL notice a difference in how effective
your character is.
So I wanna be a (nuker/tanker). Can I still do this effectively as a hybrid?

Yes. However, remember that "effective" doesn't mean "pwnage". SuicideGrl is an
int-heavy hybrid, and she DEFINIETLY puts up big dmg numbers. However, she'll
never nuke as well as a pure build will. She kills fast and efficiently and owns
in PvP, but that's only because I play her very smart. If you want to be
successful at a hybrid build, you're gonna have to engage your brain a bit
(sorry to all the mindless hack-and-slash types out there). Remembering that
your dmg and HP/MP are lower than a pure build means that you have to know your
character's own strengths and weaknesses and play around them. If you know that
you have a few really fast attacks that put up a lot of dmg, or if you know that
you have the ability to hit your opponent several times before he/she gets close
enough to whack you one, you need to plan your attacks around this strategy. If
you know you can take a few hits, then use this to your advantage. Anything is
possible if you're smart about it.


Posts : 100
Join date : 2008-04-01

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