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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Empty Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Post  zZh4ku Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:15 am

Ok, now that I manage to find some free time, let's make some things clear.

Last months I had (and I still have) to encounter some personal problems that made me having neither the time nor the mind to take a care of this site. And all this time I received a lot of e-mails (from faq, contact etc) with abusive contents, because I hadn't answered their questions.

I made this website to help new players understand the game and I always tried to do my best. I was never obligated to do that, that was just something I wanted to do. So, I really can't understand why some of you started to swear.

And moreover I really can't understand why some of you tried to destroy all I have made until now, by using the contact forms and your programming knowledge in malicious ways; an action that forced me to remove of all the contact ways to protect my website.

Yes, you won this fight but you were wrong about your enemy; all these things you did, they did not damage me but the other people that never did anything wrong and they still want to contact the site for asking questions or other stuffs. And all these people are the one and only reason I spend my time now to explain all these things.

The problems I have to encounter will not last forever and maybe someday I could return and continue all the things that I left undone, which at the time I am unable to take care of. Until then, a big "SORRY" to the people I can't help and a big "THANK YOU" to all the people that supported me.

L.V. http://www.silkroad-online.gr/index.php?display=faq&lang=en

Posts : 100
Join date : 2008-04-01

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