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Hunter Hunter

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Hunter Hunter Empty Hunter Hunter

Post  zZh4ku Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:17 am

Before you start reading about the hunter job, make sure you have read everything about jobs.

Recommended level to start

As like any other job, you can become a hunter once you reach level 20. But it is recommended to wait until you are high level enough before choosing the job of a hunter.

As a hunter you have to help traders complete their trades while you hunt the NPC thieves they spawn and the player thieves that may try to kill them. And as you can imagine you must me strong enough to pull through this.

If your level is not high enough, the job of the trader will be a good choice for you.

Hunter's enemies

As a hunter you only have to worry about the thieves. There are two kind of thieves you will have to encounter: NPC ones and player ones.

NPC thieves are always spawned from time to time around a trader's convoy animal that carries special goods. They will be as many as the number of stars the merchant is trading (1 NPC thief for a 1-star trade etc). The level of the NPC thieves will be at about the merchant's level.

How to become a hunter

To become a hunter, you will need to do these actions:
Buy a hunter suit
Join hunter guild
Choose an alias
The NPCs that can help you do these actions are:
NPCs in Jangan and Donwhang sell only chinese suits, NPCS in Constantinople and Samarkand sell only european ones and the rest both. So just choose the one that is closer to your current position and corresponds to your race and talk to him.

How you earn money as a hunter

As a hunter, they only way to earn money is to get paid from traders in order to help them with their trades. You can hunt the NPC thieves they spawn and the player thieves that may try to kill them.

There is no fix amount of gold that you should get, that's something you have to discuss with the trader and agree before starting the trade. And as you can imagine, if something goes wrong and the trader is killed by a thief, you obviously get no money because you were unable to save him.

Job experience

As a hunter you earn job XP when:
You (or another hunter of your party) kills a thief (NPC or player one)
A trader of your party sells traded special goods
As a hunter you lose job XP when:
You get killed by a thief (NPC or player one)
Job levels

When you first start hunting, your job level is 1.

At the character window (press C by default to open it) you can see info about your job alias, job level and job experience. When the job experience bar reaches 100% you are promoted to the next job level.

The job levels for the hunters are the following ones:

level Chinese characters European characters
1 Beginner Hunter Hunter Beginner
2 Training Hunter Trainee
3 Guarding Hunter Bodyguard
4 Hunter Commander Hunter Leader
5 Secret Hunter Guardian
6 Master Hunter Expert Hunter
7 Legendary Hunter Great Guardian

Posts : 100
Join date : 2008-04-01

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