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Bagi Warrior Guide

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Bagi Warrior Guide Empty Bagi Warrior Guide

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:17 am

Stat Build: You have 1 restat so becareful!
Str and Dex for your weapon requirement, rest to heal, its called full heal build.
A lot of people say it has low Str but I think the weapon requirement needs enough Str and you dont need to put anymore.
Skill Build: You have 1 reskill also!

Reskill at 67 ->

Martial Arts

Wild Bash: Pretty much useless skill as it has poor dmg and normal punches do the work
Martial Arts Mastery: Excellent skill as it gives both Attack and Crit. rate, it’s also passive which means its activated always!
Double Smash: Not that bad skill but has low dmg
Instinct Speed: Increase moving speed. Very useful skill in PvP as it helps you go to your enemy faster after a knockback from your skills as it helps you catch runners. Helps in long travelling also
Hard Blow: Good 4 hit skill as the last hit is with a small AoE as well (Area of Effect - hits more than 1 monsters in the area)
Instinct Power: Excellent skill for raising your Attack
Shock Wave: 2 hitter with small AoE, the last hit leaves a 3 second stun (3.8 maxed ‘5lv’) useable in low lvls for fighting mobs and in PvP in high lvls to catch runners like hunters. (Max at 130+ lvl as you will need your skill points before that)
Triple Ravage: Another excellent skill! I loved it from the first time I used it, its the fastest knockback we have except Bull’s Cry (not my line, but its true ) it has awesome dmg with some DoT effect (lowers HP each second: poison, burning, etc)
Bull’s Cry: Not a bad skill as it knockbacks enemies around you when activated, it also leaves a short attack increasing buff which isnt bad at all maxed. (Leave at Lv1 for the knockback and max 140+ as you will need your skill points for other skills you use more often)Note: the knockback is at the side your bagi is faced
Mad Bloods: ZOMFG, the PWNAGE skill! Or in other words the most dmging skill we have, fast 7 hits ending with a knockback.. Just deadly.
Spirit Shout: 5 hits, excellent dmg, knockback. I love that skill to group my mobs when soloing ^^
Carnage: Excellent 6 hit skill (it says 5 in the skill simulator but its actually 6, the last hit is with like 1 second delay but it has great power) with a knockback and small DoT effect (burning)

Spirit: This skill tree has nothing to do with the Spr stat (spirit) as all skills are Physical hits and not magic or elemental.
Horn Mastery: Great skill which adds crit. rate and ressistance to all elements, passive.
Chain Burst: It has linear AoE, useful on low lvls.
Defensive: Excellent skill for raising your Defense.
Burning, Freezing, Lightning knuckles: Each of them give 5% elemental dmg maxed which is a lot. This damage effects your skills and normal hits thought they don’t have the element chosed (fire, ice). I reccoment maxing only 1 of these 3 as they deflect each other, for example Burning Knuckle gives you 5% fire dmg but it also decreases any Ice or Lightning dmg boost you have, so I dont recomend using gloves/rings with different elemental dmg also. The damage is decreased only by your opponent’s resistance, in PvP fire ressistance seems to be the rarest thought its the most common resistance of the mobs.
As Crespo (55+) is with Ice ressistance mobs the higher areas like Draco(65+)and Python Castle (80+) have fire ressistant mobs. Learn and max one of them at 87 lvl when you can get em to lvl 4 which is 4% dmg, before that the dmg is too low thought you can still use it if you want.
Earthquake: 1 hit, slow cast, nice AoE stun. I realised everyone wanted me to use this skill ONLY for its stun so if it can stun at lvl 1 just like its lvl 10 I decided to leave it at 1. Some bagis thought still prefer to max it or leave it at like 5 lv, but my build includes maxing only when you are 140 lvl after maxing Bulls Cry and Shock Wave, so you will have it maxed at 150 lvl
Tornado: The most used skill while grinding as it has 12 seconds cooldown and awesome AoE dmg, it starts hitting 4 times at lv 5 and 5 hits when maxed :] pretty decent skill. Some say it sucks for PvP but I still use it and I say it rocks
Magical Resist: Excellent skill to raise your magic resistances (all except Physical)
Violent Gale: This skill barely works for some bagis, its 3 hit with a knockback at the end, for me it works only on Heartrender (a shard on Abaddon) but without a knockback, I wouldnt lvl a skill that wont work everytime, so no thanx
Outrage: Awesome 5 hit AoE as it starts hitting at the moment you use it, very useful but with 22 seconds cooldown so you cant really ’spam’ it.
Physical Resist: Excellent skill to raise your Physical Resistance.
Resistance: A skill which let you prevent any kind of abnormalities such as DoT effects, stun, slow and everything, It has low duration with low cooldown. If you use any buffs while this is in effect then your buffs will be disabled and a cooldown will still appear.
Dead Spark: Useable in both PvP and PvE as it has strong 5 hits for 9 seconds (1 hit each 2 seconds) you can still use other skills while this is in effect, however it decreases your HP as well (1500 HP decreasing at lv 1, didnt check lv2 =p)
Leveling: Bagis are slow solo lvlers till they unlock most of their skills, as for now you can go trought Loa/Braiken and have fun in North Ares until like 10 lvl then you can try the lizardmans in Denebe, after you can kill them easy move on mantis, after these I suggest going Heiharp like at the stairs in front of the temple there must be a lot of people, find someone to party with, you will make a bunch of friends there also, dont forget your best friend is a segnale, always After you reach 34 lvl after long battles in the cold areas move to Requies (walk from denebe to there) and go to the Nunvice dungeon, you must have no party to enter, you pay only 10k and you get a lot more inside, as for the exp its great you can lvl fast to 50 if you dont get bored of the dungeon already because its getting too repetitive. After 55 lvl you can try going Norak and look for some AoE parties like the ‘E room’ and such. When you finally reach 55 lvl you must go Crespo, the mobs there are huge but also give nice exp, you better find party at 88 (88:88 in Crespo) as there you will lvl extremely fast, reaching 60 lvl you can enter the Crespo Dungeon, I suggest starting with B as C is the easiest and A is like 75+, when the mobs are unleashed always start with Earthquake, the dungeon is also 300k to enter so for full party this is 50k a member (you give 50k to the guy that enters first or if you enter first rest must give u 50k each, there are also a lot of scammers so beware). At 65+ you can go to Dracon if you get bored of dungeon all day, the Comission Quests there at 70 and 75 lvl are awesome as there are a lot of AoE parties doing the quests together. After finally reaching 80 lvl you can go to Python (walk from Draco) and go to 1 line (1L) or 2 lines (2L) these are AoE parties and its fast lvl till like 85, at 90 lvl you can go to the Pytho dungeon called Crevice, in that dungeon you must do a lot of dmg so Earthquake is not usable here, for the last (10) round you will need curse ressistance and there is some hint for all bagis: the 70 and 71 helmets have 5% curse resistant AND 4 sockets, I picked over the 71 lvl helmet as it gives HP also, put like 8% or 9% curse resistance and you wont need to make Curse armor, only helmet, of course dont forget using Magical Resist as well (75% resistance is the max)
Armors, Weapons and all you need
Armors: I recomend buying the full gigas set (except helmet) as its really good at low lvls ^^ You can totaly forget about Agri since its waste of DIL and put Leo and Hercules. Then there goes Tornak, the last legend, I recomend buying only the gloves since you will be using them for quite some time (till probably 134 lv) and MAYBE the Armor also as this 20% increased crit. dmg isnt bad at all.. no.. its great actually :0 And it has slightly lower Defense than a full slotted Constantia Armor with +21 medials in it. For every slot in armor/helmet put medials as you will be farmin a lot of +18 in Draco, before that you can pass buying/using them.
Weapons: Put elemental gems! They work just like the elemental knuckles and they are far cheaper than the rhombuses. You must use +41/+47 gems till 60/66 lvl when you can put 4%/5% in there.
Necklaces and Rings: All you need is Defence necklaces, put 4 till you get Dark Eye (from a quest at 85 lv) which adds 15% resistance to all, very useful making you feel stronger.
Weapons I remember you get from quest (full socketed) Smilothon (66 lv weapon) from a 63 quest, Velociraptor (85 weapon) from a 85 lvl quest.
Wings of the Beast: The name of bagi’s wings, they are nice, they are big, they are awesome ^^ You get those from a 102 lvl quest as you have to kill 100 Monsters total and pay 50 millions (sigh) for a bunch of feathers on ur back xD

Credits to azure75

Posts : 99
Join date : 2008-04-01

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