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In-Depth Bagi leveling Guide + Stat Guide + Skill Guide

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In-Depth Bagi leveling Guide + Stat Guide + Skill Guide Empty In-Depth Bagi leveling Guide + Stat Guide + Skill Guide

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:16 am

To start off with, I’ve split the guide into different sections, so you can skip to one easily if your only interested in reading one section.
I.) Introduction

II.) Leveling Guide

III.) Stat Guide

IV.) Skill Guide



The first thing most people think of when they hear ‘Bagi Warrior’ is, a tank. That is mostly true. Bagis are known for their health and defense, although not all choose to follow that path. Others choose to go for power and strength, and although there’s nothing wrong with this, Bagis do not give out as much damage output as other classes. However, what Bagis lack in power, they make up for in survivability. One important aspect that Bagis specialize in is their knockback and stun abilities. Bagis are known to be an annoyance because they can interrupt you in the midst of your skill, canceling it and knocking you back at the same time. Quote on quote, Bagis are known to be the ‘King of PvP’ at end game, so if love PvP, Bagis are an excellent choice to go.

II.) Leveling Guide

*One of the reasons that people have trouble training Bagis is because of the limited skills at lower level. However, it’s quite easy to level a Bagi if you know how to do so.

My suggestions:

-From level 1-11, train on the outskirts of Loa or Braiken castle. Training here should be a breeze.

-Once you’ve achieved level 11, enter the Maze of Newbies. This is a excellent solo dungeon that gives you both potions and experience at the same time.

-Once you’ve achieved level 19, you have two choices to train at: at denebe or inside norak/castor cave, 1st floor. Both are equally adequate, but keep in mind denebe is a non-pvp map, and norak/castor has pvp enabled, meaning anyone can player-kill you while your inside the cave.

-At level 25 (or sooner, however you prefer), head to Heiharp and see how you fare there. The best experience you can get is with a party, mainly because it takes less time and less work to kill a group of monsters with a party. It’s up to you to train here until you’ve reached level 34, or you can try Requies, a jungle like map just north of denebe.

-Once you reach 34, head into the Requies dungeon. This is a solo dungeon that requires you to do several tasks to complete the entire dungeon. Upon completion, you earn an additional 50,000 experience points. You may not be able to complete this dungeon the couple first tries or even until your late 30’s, but this dungeon is by far, the best experience you can get at this stage. Once you’ve reached the low 40’s, this dungeon should be much easier. There’s also an optional boss you can attempt to kill by getting the 3 relics hidden inside the Chamber of Space. Killing this boss rewards you with a very nice ring. I suggest you do this dungeon until 55, since it’s still the best experience you can get.

-Once you’ve reached 55 (or 50), you can do one of three things: train inside of norak/castor cave by yourself or with a party, train inside Parca Shrine, or head out to crespo to train there. Parca Shrine isn’t the best area for experience points, mainly just for commission points. At level 55, crespo may be a bit difficult, unless you find a party to do the commission quest and train as well.

-During your training from 55-60, you should save up on money. Upon reaching 60, you can now enter the Dungeon of Crespo, a party dungeon that has three section (Dungeon C, Dungeon B, Dungeon A) and costs 300k to enter. However, if you go with a party of 6, each party member only needs to pay 50k. This is a quite decent dungeon that gives you experience and different gems that you may find useful, such as medials, rhombuses, elemental damage gems, or elemental resistance gems. You can also continue training in crespo doing the commission quest (s) with a party or just soloing, however you enjoy it.

-Once you’ve reached 65, you can have three options to choose from: continue training in Dungeon C, head out to Draco Desert, or do Dungeon B, which is harder than Dungeon C, because of the higher level mobs. However, it does give more experience and better gem rewards. Draco desert is a different view from crespo, mainly because it’s a desert, unlike the snow you constantly see in crespo. I wouldn’t advise doing the 65 commission quest, because it’s just a waste of money. I suggest doing dungeon B from 65+.

-Once you’ve reached 70 (Hurray!), continue training in Dungeon B or head out to Draco desert where it’s a bit easier to solo train here while also doing the level 70 commission for money and adventure points.

-Upon reach the big 75 (halfway there), you can attempt doing Dungeon A, which is the hardest of the three sections, but also gives better experience and gems. However, if you find it a bit hard, continue doing dungeon B.

To be continued until I’ve past this .

III.) Stat Guide

*There are a lot of different ways a Bagi Warrior can go, and here are the pro’s and con’s of going ‘pure’ builds:

-A strength Bagi:

A strength Bagi has good damage and is very good for PvE (Player versus Enviroment), but lacks in PvP mainly because of the low health and shield.

-A dexterity Bagi:

A full dexterity Bagi has good attack rate, block rate, and guard rate. It’s decent but PvE, but this build isn’t very successful in getting far.

-A heal Bagi:

A full heal Bagi has excellent defense and a lot of health for survivibility. This build is perfect for PvP, but lacks in damage.

-A spirit Bagi:

A full spirit Bagi has a lot of mana to utilize, but this build isn’t very good, PvE and PvP wise.

Now that we’ve gotten past all the ‘pure’ builds, let’s discuss the popular builds:

-A str/heal Bagi:

This build is both good for PvP and PvE due to the decent damage that’s put into strength, and the decent heal to ensure survivability and defense. Suggested points per level: 3 strength/2 heal. When you’ve reached the level to wear your next weapon, put the entire 5 points into dexterity in order to wield it.

-A heal/str Bagi:

This build is similar to the str/heal build, except this build is more focused towards survivability and defense. Suggested points per level: 3 heal/2 strength. When you’ve reached the level to wear your next weapon, put the entire 5 points into dexterity to wield it.

-A pure strength Bagi:

This build is the perfect build for PvE, mainly due to it’s high damage output and quickness in killing monsters. Suggested points per level: 5 strength. When you’ve reached the level to wear your next weapon, put the entire 5 points into dexterity to wield it.

A pure heal Bagi:

This build is the perfect build for PvP, mainly due to the high shield, defense, and health a Bagi has, making it difficult for an opponent to defeat. Suggested points per level: 5 health. Make sure that you do have enough strength and dexterity in order to wear your next weapon.

IV.) Skill Guide

Besides having strength to do damage, increasing the level of your skills helps improve your damage rate as well. You can decide what you wish to improve in, but here are some important factors you may wish to train in:

-At low level, the passive skills, Martial Arts Mastery and Horn Mastery, may not seem useful to you, but at higher level (say, 60+), it comes in handy. I suggest you adding some skill points into these to help you.

-Wild Bash and Double Smash may seem helpful at lower levels, but don’t invest too many points into them, because at higher level, they become quite useless as you have other skills that are more useful.

-Your buffs, instinct speed, instinct power, defensive, magical resistance, physical resistance, and resistance, are very useful. Max them out as soon as you can.

The other skills you have are optional, and it’s up to you to decide whether or not you wish to improve upon them.


I hope this guide helps you in deciding what type of a character your Bagi will be. This guide is not complete finished, and will continuously be edited to be updated with more information. You should not follow everything for what I say, but use it as a guideline as to how to build your Bagi Warrior.

Source: AznLegend


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Join date : 2008-04-01

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