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The Dungeon!

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The Dungeon! Empty The Dungeon!

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:27 am

Heres the part where I break up the dungeon into parts and give effective tips on how to take on each step.

If you forget any of these steps or the theory of how to do some of the things I described before please refer to Theory of the Dungeon, [TOD]

[TD1] Part 1-Spider Hallway

This part features “Solitary” monsters, groups of 1-3 Spiders and Spider Larve, As well as a few Sasquatch leading into the room of TheCourtRoom [TD2]

Refer to Solotary Monster killing for tactics on how to deal with these monsters[SL7]

This area basically is as it says, a long hallway, this is the first location you will be at when you enter this dungeon after speaking to the fairy.

FOR AOE USERS: I would not suggest wasting the time/mp to AOE these monsters, they are weak and easily disposed of… and most of all they are fairly hard too make into a proper, large clump to even AOE.

[TD2] Part 2-CourtRoom

This room is the room found directly after the SpiderHallway, it is large and spacious.. and full of bugs!

(Ignore All 3 “doors/Whatever you want to call them”)

This room features, Sasquatch, SpiderLarve, Spiders, and a single SpiderSoul…

Note the SpiderSoul MUST be killed in order to move on!

Id suggest using Group Monster killing tactics in this dungeon until you’ve cleared it out some.. [GR7]

For AOE users: HERES the place to aoe, this is rather amusing watching them all splatter I’d continue using aoes until you’ve cleared the area… around the SpiderSoul, then target that SpiderSoul and go at with solo tactics [SL7] until it is dead, this thing does deal considerable damage and to ignore it and keep killing the rest of the monsters would be rather, forgetfull (Remember I said the area is spacious, meaning you can have 10 mobs on the other side of the room as you kill the SpiderSoul and not allert them until you feel like doing so!)

After clearing this room it is time to head on over to the MonistaryOfThePurkas… The “door” looks like a aged side table covered in many spider webs. DO NOT WASTE TIME GOING AND TRYING THE OTHER DOORS, THEY WILL NOT WORK.

Sing the melody and contiune on your journey

[TD3] Part 3- MonistaryOfThePurkas


[I will no longer have the little guide marks on the side of the word Solo and Group, these concepts should by now in the reading be known]

This is a LARGE section, and I would not be shocked if many of you got confused! This large section is divided up into smaller sections. THESE SMALLER SECTIONS ARE NOT IN THE TABLE OF CONTENTS AT THIS POINT IN TIME!!!!.

I will however give a small icon [TD3-1] to signify the position you are in….

I’ll say this now, follow this part of the guide especially well! If you do not you run the risk of forgetting a VITAL part of the dungeon! And possibly causing the loss of the final reward at the end..!

Monsters seen within this area split up

[HA1] Hallways-

Monsters seen:Sasquatch, Spider Larve, Spider

All monsters are Solo.

[RT1] Room Type #1-

Monsters seen: SpiderSoul x2

Monsters are Group format, however I suggest picking one off first as both at the same time can be overwhelming.

[RT2] Room Type #2-

Monsters seen: SpiderQueen x1, Spider Larve x1, Spider x1

Monsters are solo format/group, the spider larve and spider I’ve found do not usualy attack unless you get fairly close; the queen will often rush out at you once the door is broken down.

[RT3] RoomType #3-

Monsters seen: SkullKnight x1, Sasquatch

Incar Mages are great for this part! During this part there is a trick where you do NOT NEED TO BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR…. and you can still damage the monsters inside of the room, this is a well known trick used by incar mages and segita hunters. If You however choose not to do this and break down the door, prepare for a MAJOR group battle.

Aoe users should cast all aoe spells like mad, there are many sasquatches in this area and you will die rather quickly…

[SC5] Sacrifice chamber-

Monsters seen: SpiderSoul x1, Spider, Spider Larve

Monsters are GROUP.. and they will all attack you at once, be prepared before entering….

If you have AOE spells, use them here for sure!

[LE3] Laboratory-

Monsters seen: SkullKnight, Sasquatch

Monsters are GROUUUUPPP!!!! and will all attack you at once, be prepared before entering!

If you have AOE spells, use them!

[OMG] Purkas-

Monsters seen: LordKunda, SkullKnight, Sasquatch

Good luck… Make sure you are fully healed and buffered before entering, this is probably the second hardest trial in the entire dungeon.

For IncarMages/Segita hunters, there is the wall glitch again where you can kill many mobs without breaking the door down, this is VERY usefull in this part of the dungeon. Make sure you kill as many as you can before breaking the door down to finish off the survivors.

————————— Back to the guide


First Part of the dungeon.


This Part is short and nice, heh. This area is comprised of solo monsters.. Refer to the top of this guide under Look here before reading on for monsters.

Take the first turn to the side when you enter.


First Room you will find

[RT1] This room contains a treasure chest in it holding a random amount of gold, grab this as it helps pay back the 10k entrance fee/pot money.

Exit into the hallway.


If you get lost in a paper bag, ahh >..

Okay now you’ve completed one of the toughest things (If not the worst..) of this entire dungeon, and guess what? Your done the Purkas Monistary!!


Now exit the monistary quickly, you need to make up your time spent in here!

Now you will be back in the CourtRoom, run over to the door directly opposite of this and enter.

(Now the guide returns to normal[before the monistary of the purkas])

This is the room you are in after going through the door, this room features… a stone and a longer hallway.

However this is nothing comapred to what you just went through!!!

Go up the hallway and kill all monsters

Monsters seen: Sasquatch, SkullKnight

These monsters are all in solo format so this is a utter breeze

You’ll see another crystal, break it like the last one. This is another one of the sealing stones, you MUST BREAK THIS IN ORDER TO GET THE REWARD IN THE END… this is the last crystal you’ll be seeing in a while, NOT. (HOWEVER this is the last SEALING crystal.)

After breaking the crystal run back, and you’ll see the other crystal, trust me by the end of this, you’ll despise them allot. Talk to it (wtf?) and enter the maze.

NOTE: this guide cannot in any way cover the entire process of this level!!! This maze is random and changed every time you do this dungeon. You will need to figure it out yourself, however here are the tips about it!

In this dungeon you will see the following monsters: Frizkhan, and LordKunda.

These monsters are SOLO, and so not pose a threat.

One way for ranged attackers to dispose of these monsters is to range attack these monsters, as the monsters cannot run onto the other platforms, neither can you.

this dungeon is made up of a series of connecting bridges connecting platform to platform, these platforms however are missing a FEW (not all!!) a few bridges connecting them together. So what do we need to do? BREAK CRYSTALS!

Every crystal you break will result in one bridge being placed into the circut, not 2 or 3 or 4 or 5; that is simply a theory which is proven false.

Bugs you may find in this area/General “DOH!”

-Sometimes once you break a crystal there will be no new bridge found! However a bridge HAS BEEN MADE, only the game has bugged and made it appear invisable; meaning if you cannot find the bridge make sure you try EVERY spot which shoud have a bridge, it is shown by the name “INDUNBRIDGE”. This may take a while but it is better then restarting the dungeon!

-If your a ranged attacker you cannot hit the crystals even if you try, they are too far away and this is impossible, however the monsters are attackable. (lol wtf?)

Once your done killing ALL THE CRYSTALS, exit the maze using the portal. Once you see it you will know whatI mean by portal.


Exit the area using the door and reenter the CourtRoom.

[TGT]-The Goddess Throne.

This is the final room of this dungeon, congratulations again on making it this far.

Monsters in this room: SkullKnight, Sasquatch, Frizkhan.

Monsters come in both forms! Solo and Group, it is up to your better judgement to decide depending on situation.

This room has a large statue in the middle, talk to it (again with talking objects..) tell it you will break the seals.

NOTE: if she says you need too break the sealing crystals you did not listen to my guide, if you have extra time left over at the moment run back and go to [PTM] Prelude of Treasure Maze, OR go back to [SC5] Sacrifice Chamber and destroy the crystals inside there!

Once you select that option TWO stone statues covered in odd carvings of Frizkahns will appear… make sure before you even so much as think of touching a statue that you clear all mobs away from that area. Run to either side of the statue (its right or its left, dont run up yet). Clear the mobs as I said, and then run to the corner of the platform. This is the scary part, make sure you have full hitpoints and mp, and are buffed up.

Make sure your in the corner… and then break the statue, but be wary, once its broken 3 frizkhans will all come out! and All will attack at once. I’d suggest use of all aoe spells you have, fire blaze, chain lightning, lightning chase, and all 3 lvl 36 spells. This battle is rough, make sure to keep using pots and do not let your hp drop more then 800 for sure!

Also make sure you do NOT run, they will cast their special spell (as noted in beastiary [BST]) which will poison/slow you, making this method completely useless to you.

Following that there are now 3 Solo friskhans in the main part of the room, these are allot easier to handle.

Ahh was that fun? Good, cause we’ve got another one.

Repeat the steps mentioned above, good luck!

Once your done killing all the frizkhans, there are a few more monsters, behind the statue that I havent mentioned yet as most people will run out of time before they make it to do that section…

before doing this part MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GOOD TIME, this took me about 2-3 minutes, make sure you have a spare minute as well to make sure you can run back to the statue and recieve your well earned 50k experiance!

This area is full of the same monsters as the GoddessThrone (before the statues were broken) and 2 added frizkhans.

Once your done killing all those it is up to you to take on the boss or not, I will add the boss fight to the guide later, however… I’m not brave enough to risk it yet

Run back to the statue and recieve your 50k experiance reward!

Congratulations again! You’ve Completed Nuvice dungeon!

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide and I do hope that it has been a help for the many people who need too, and will later on take on this Quest.

Credits to th3doomz

Posts : 99
Join date : 2008-04-01

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