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Incar Magician Guide (Stats + Skill) by zether

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Incar Magician Guide (Stats + Skill) by zether Empty Incar Magician Guide (Stats + Skill) by zether

Post  lracmf Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:40 am

Let me just first of all point out that is guide was made shortly after CB, and has very baias opinions about Perfect Mage Build, which I’m sure you are all only reading this for.

This guide is aimed at new comers and those unfamilar with the game. Lets Begin. If you’re thinking of becoming an Incar Magician, then you must be ready to play as an amazingly offensive character. Not only do Magicians have the greatest skills and the pure power of the elements, they look hot too.
First impressions Massive amounts of pure power, in a form that is completely straight forward and easy to use. With starting skills doing more damage in a single hit than what some classes can deal in a time consuming attack the mage is great at taking those lil sods apart. The greatest defence is a good offence isn’t it?
Stat Influences on the Incar The main stats are simply Spr and Con. You will want to do damage, but if you stand on a spawn, you won’t have time to react before they attack.
Str – COMPLETELY USELESS. Seriously, only put in just enough to reach your weapon requirements.

Dex - DO NOT build this stat until level 105. At 105, you will be more knowledgeable to the point where I cannot tell you where to put your stats, but do not do it any earlier.

Spr – You will want to do damage and each point in this skill will not only add damage, but will also add more mana/mp/sp, which is what you need to cast skills Do not however go overboard. You can buy pots and you will learn skills which will easily top up your mp whenever you need it.

Con - Very important, and annoying, as you will quickly find that PvE, not much will even get close to you, but during PvP, massive amounts of def can mean that a few can get close to you. It’s not nice to be hit by a combo when you have very low health.
Personally I find that going 3/2 spr/con for the first 40 levels very easy, only spending a few on str to meet weapon requirements. Then going full Con afterwards makes you almost completely unstoppable against most mobs and players at the much higher levels. Mages are the best PvP class; the only thing that can beat us really is a full health Bagi, which look ugly btw. Adding more to Spr after this will of course still make a difference to your damage, and personally, using the 3/2 ratio throughout can be a pretty darn good build until you reach the 105 mark. If your making a PvE player then go for this sort of option, however if you want to rock during PvP then go for the level 40 option.
:: The Strengths of Incar Magician :: • Pretty much The Best Player Versus Player • Player Versus Monster/Environment • Mass amount of Buffs, and amazing AoE’s for fast levelling • Fantastic soloist throughout. • The Most Amount of damage in one skill, so powerful that one hit kills against mobs your own level are possible.

:: The Weaknesses of Incar Magician ::

• Player Versus Player Against Full Health Bagi • Mass amounts of Opponents at short range before learning AoE’s • Very low Def at the early levels, making short range foes a small danger.

Skills Now these cause arguments. There are so many so chose from, it can get quite confusing. There are 3 main paths to choose from here, a full Element, all three or a mix. Because of this, I will post pictures of around 81 for examples only. All of these are very effective and will work to create a fantastic build. All buffs of course should be taken.
One Element Now I’m sure there’s some of you thinking, why not all bloody three? Well having all three isn’t what is cracked up to be. Each of your early skills would have to be very basic, and following a Spr/Con build your damage won’t be great with low levelled skills. Having one element however is great, as you can spend loads in each skill, making your most weakest skill of attack very powerful very quickly. Not only will you be able to deal more damage from the very beginning, but you will also not have many worries with mass amounts of skills taking up your shortcut bar.
However, because of this, you won’t have many, if any skill points left over to learn any of the other elemental skills.

Three Elements Now this build I hate personally, because I think its awful early on, weak until you hit the more powerful skills at level 30+ which is very hard if you can barely damage anything. However, if you can manage to stay alive and grind for all that time with such weak attacks, you will create a very powerful mage. Being able to learn all three elemental skills can be very handy once you have learnt the three most powerful. Casting them one after the other would be completely devastating to anything you attack. Following a Spr/Con build will help damage wise and keeping you alive for the most part.

The Mix Now this is my personal favourite. Its basically two element’s, with the focus put on one. Like the single Element build, you will be spending a lot of points in one element, both early on and at higher levels. However, in order to save on SP’s, you systematically drop a skill once it reaches level 3, apart from buffs of course. By doing this until you reach the AoE skills you will have enough to create a secondary elemental tree. The secondary element will not have much, if any major points ever spent on it until the higher levels, but by doing so you will be able to manage your skill points easily to learn 2 of the three elements greatest skills and have one primary skill that would be able to take apart any mob throughout the game.

There are some skills no to even bother with. These are Magic Hammer, and fishing. Fishing does not do any damage, and isn’t really that important. Only bother with fishing if you really have that much time to kill. Magic Hammer I have heard is a physical attack skill, which any mage following a Spr/Con build won’t have much in, if any.
The Elements. Now this again causes many arguments.

Ice – Has the ability to slow own or “freeze” the target for a small amount of time.

Fire – Has the ability of a DoT (like poison, it does damage over time) for a small amount of time.

Lightening – Currently unknown. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t do anything however (Currently rumoured to have much faster casting times, but lower att power.)

As a mage you have two choices, wand or staff.

Wands do damage like • 12 - 18 Physical damage • 12 - 28 Magic damage

Staves of the same level do • 15 - 20 Physical damage • 15 - 22 Magic damage

Staves however also have a block rate, and require more Str in order to use them.

Not only do Wands look better and need less Str to use, they can also inflict more magic damage as an average. I would say that staves are useless really, because as a mage, inflicting physical damage is pretty useless.
If you have anything you think I should add to this guide please feel free to pm me and let me know.

Thanks for reading and I hope it helps.

Source: zether from official 2moons forum

Posts : 83
Join date : 2008-04-01

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