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Friday Update 2/22

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Friday Update 2/22 Empty Friday Update 2/22

Post  nbgac Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:38 am

Hey everyone.. Lots going on behind the scenes..
nothing this week
We’ve recieved new information on our Big Patch.. And I should have additional details in the next week or so.. I can honestly tell you there are a lot of under the hood changes to help bring a more enjoyable game to you.
No really… nothing.
We talked a little about pets and it cause a little confusion. The pets will be available to all classes. They will wander with you in-game and help you.
stop looking…
2 million points: http://2mpts.acclaim.com
Expect some changes to the 2Moons Public Test Server today! Let’s see what you can do with the new configuration.

The next round of Advisory Board Invites went out today, hotmail users check your spam folder just in case.. This round was pulled from the forums!

As some of you have posted..we’ve added monster spawns on top of the double exp and double drop event. Since the Monster spawn won’t take 2 hours to kill, you should be able to both.. And who so ever kills the beasties, will reap some mighty exp and drops.

Original Post From 2Moons Discussion Board


Posts : 99
Join date : 2008-04-01

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