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Guide to Optimizing Your Segnale

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Guide to Optimizing Your Segnale Empty Guide to Optimizing Your Segnale

Post  Admin Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:21 am

Now at lvl 60 Im strongly thinking of restatting for an hp build at 70. This is a guide to the different builds of the segnale class, and their pros and cons.

The thing with the segnale class is their malleability. One build is great for leveling till 102, then switching to an assasin build changes your segnale into a pvp queen.

Here is the rundown, as well as the skills which you need to maximize the specified builds.


Rundown on the skills ( Red = Weak skills Gold = Keepers )

This section is a rundown of the skills. The red are definitely flukes. Do not invest points in these skills. The ones in gold are great keepers. These are skills all great segnales have at hand.

With such a diverse amount of spells and attacks, you can definitely make your segnale your own.


Healing Mastery- This, contrary to what you think is actually your passive mana regeneration.

Self healing - This skill is used to heal yourself. A useful skill at soloing due to its low mana cost. Though this skill is not very important till higher up when you can afford putting points into it.

Wound healing- A single target healing skill, it is your best healing skill till hyper heal at lvl 29. It is efficient but is not useful after hyper heal. This is better than self healing, so use this if you are healing only yourself.

Hyper heal- This is one of the segnales most amazing, useful, and trademark skills. It has a large area of effect in the shape of a circle. Anyone standing in the circle after the casting has their hp regenerated, and if you make it into the circle before the casting is done you also get rejuvenated. A definite keeper.

Recover- Ahhh, the ressurection spell. One of the really "cool" segnale spells which all the classes covet. It usually stays at lvl 1 due to its ability to effectively ressurect. Higher lvl recovers take away the malady and give more health when one is resurrected.

Fast healing- A continuous healing skill. This is a great skill to use when your faced with constant physical damage. Power up this baby!

Dark Circle- A buff that adds curse to your attack but decreases mana, the build you use depends heavily on if you use this skill or not. Curse mastery stacks with this so it potentially can turn your segnale into quite an offensive opponent.

Rising guard, Magic Shield, Increase attack = These 3 single target buffs are more effective than the aoe ranged skills, but take longer to put on. You do not need to level these to get the aoe skills

Great Guard, Divine Shield, Amazing attack = These are the aoe buffs that everyone loves to ask the segnales for. Not as effective as the single target buffs, they are very mana costly. But they do add quite a nice boost of stats at higher lvls.


Curse Mastery- This master increases the power of your curse spells and attacks. AS you allot points to this you beef up your curse damage, and strength. This also works with your curse gems to strenthen it.

Decrease Attack- Reduces enemy attack.

Diminish- Reduces enemy defense.

Anti Magic- reduces enemy magic attack.

Paralyze- A great pvp ailment which freezes the opponent for quite a long time in the higher levels. After you freeze your opponent, a cf is usually followed by bloodhit which is a great combo. The only class that can outmanuever this is the segita who can use crow wings, and wonderfiring to escape.


Blood Mastery- This mastery increases the strength of your hp regeneration. This is a must to max out, but dont do it too soon. Your already a hefty healer, so save those precious points for other skills that need leveling.

Ruins skull- A mediocre skill. Don't bother putting any points in this one. Your othe rskills are much better. Utter crap skill. XD

Death Side- A baby version of dread nail. It is another forgettable skill used in the 1-30 range...if that. Its stunning effect helps only in a quick heal or run.

Backdraft- A long range curse spell. A forgettable attack it does not do very much damage. Keeping it at lvl 1 and using it to lure is the best way to utilize this long ranged skill.

Blood Hit- This is a definite keeper. Blood hit becomes one of your essential attacks in both pvp and pve. It can eventually hit up to 8 times once lvled to its max. It does great physical damage, though the con is if one attack is blocked, the whole combo is ruined.

Vampire- A physical attack it does what it says. Once you attack the enemy, you start healing for a bit after you attack, sucking up their hp. It is an ok attack, but not very effective till much higher.

Dread Nail- This hits the opponent 3 times, and is one of the best skills to use for the assasin build. It stuns the enemy for a bit, and is hard to interrupt.

Evil Spear- A subpar attack that is more of a filler. It is party curse and attack, and has the ability to aoe (unlikely).

Curse Field - A DEFINITE keeper. This amazing skill is one of the most amazing aoes ingame. It lasts for 10 seconds and continuously hits the monsters with curse. It stuns monsters back so you can run away, and the range is amazing.

Evil Crow - Evil Crow is an aoe that damages six times. It is uninterruptable, and is one of your highest damage attacks. There are two cursed hits, then 4 are physical.


Healing Build

The Healing Build changes the segnale into a tank. You lose the bite of a fighter, but gain the tanking abilities of a bagi. This build turns a segnale into a reliable, and formidable party member.

The main gist of this build is to use a noble or divine noble KEREV with at least %3 critical stats (rare). Good luck in finding one that is not less than 5 million (divine ones %2+).

Using this weapon, you can allot the rest of the points into a sufficient amount of spirit, then all the rest to hp.

You achieve much more defense, shield, and hp with this build. You also are a formidable pvp opponent. Though the con is at 80+, the armors of other classes start to decrease the damage of the kerevs greatly...even using skills. So pure hp segnales start to lose their edge in pvp due to the low amount of damage they are able to put out.

Assassin Build

This build, otherwise known as a glass cannon build focuses on self sufficiency, and hard devastating attacks. This build is not good in parties due to the lack of healing power the segnale will have.

The assassin segnale will have most points allotted to self healing, fast recovery, and physcial attacks.

This build uses the highest level weapon possible, upgraded as much as possible, studded with % curse gems.

The assassin segnale focuses on DEXTERITY. You add into spirit and hp minimally but put vast amounts of points into dexterity.

This fighter has to be fast, and uses many buffs. A formidable opponent in high levels, the assasin segnale has to keep distance and watch her hp at all times.

Balanced Build

A balance built segnale uses the weapon of their level, uses minimal points for healing, and puts the rest into buffing up attacks.

This build is for the soloers that do enough damage to wipe out the target, but have enough healing to survive multiple attacking monsters.

Unlike the heal and glass cannon build.

The balance segnale does more damage than the heal segnale, and can survive soloing better than the glass cannon.



- To Switch between hotbar 1 and 2 press the letter Z on your keyboard.

- To target yourself in order to use Wound Healing or buffs, press the letter E on your keyboard.

- Make sure you never stray too far from your tank. If you rely heavily on Hyper Heal then this is vital because tanks have a habit of being out of the healing radius at the last minuite.

- Keep your health bar under control first and foremost! You can always use Recover on them later if they die, but if you die then they have a long run.

- Don't be afraid to step back for a minuite when the going gets tough to concentrate on healing and buffing. We can attack and do damage, but no one else can fill the role of a healer.

- Attack the Monster! Use CF! Segnales do formidable damage and people know it. A wise Segnale will know how to attack, and at the same time monitor the health of the party.


Posts : 47
Join date : 2008-03-19


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