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Segnale Guide

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Segnale Guide Empty Segnale Guide

Post  Admin Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:26 am

Segnale Guide
As i promised i would share all my experiences to you. Im not selfish, i like to share something that is doing good to me.
You are free to do any changes on your will. Everything here was tested playing together with my clan ShitLegends.
If Segnale is the character that appealed most to you, you are really lucky.
You are playing an all-in-one character which has unique skills.
Segnale can be Damage Dealer, can melee, can range, can magic damage.
Segnale can tank, can heal, can buff, debuff.
She is definately the most balanced character of Dekaron/2Moons.
We will talk about her weaknesses also. Tough she has only 1 weakness. =)

First Impression

If you used to play as a healer/buffer/support character in other games, you will get disappointed that segnale requires a lot more action than its cousins in other games.
Also, segnale is not even a percent weak as her cousins.
Although she can heal, she has more damage than a Sagita Hunter comparing both classes skills.
Although she is a buffer, she can take as much damage as an Azure Knight.
Although she is a ranger, she can fight melee.
Although she can fight melee, she can cast magic stronger than Vicious Summoner.
Segnale definately is not supportive, background character. If you wanna stay on the back, pick up Incar magician or Sagita Hunter.

Stat Influences on Segnale

The main stats for Segnale are DEx, SPR and HEALTH. Specially DEX.
I will tell you why.
Segnale rely much on physical damage, due to her attack skills with the whip.
Ok, ok, you will ask me..."and if i wanna cast spells, should not i put more SPR for magic damage?"
The answer is NO.
Segnale¡®s "magics"(if you can call this way) are actually materiallized curses.
Segnale¡®s magic damage depends much more on "curse damage" and level of skills.
Buying a Ring that gives you +20 to magic damage won¡®t influence on your damage.
But +20 to curse damage, means +20 to your skill damage.
For example, let me take the skill BACKDRAFT.
BACKDRAFT is a skill that Segnale can cast to a target in range. It looks like a magic. It is magic. But its curse magic(even being on Blood Skills Tier).
Then...as BACKDRAFT don¡®t depend on SPR to do damage, you won¡®t need SPR for almost anything. Only for MANA.
Dexterity is the most important stat for Segnale because affect directly the damage she does with whips, and with her attack skills.
The skill BLOOD HIT is affected by DEX, as every physical attack skill for segnale.
DEX also will increase your block chance, critical chance and attack rating.
Segnale usually criticals pretty often.
Now let¡®s talk about HEALTH stat.
Every character(except for Bagi Warrior) needs HEALTH. This means you will have to spend some on HEALTH or you will die with 2 slaps in the face.
By the level 25, you must have 50 points on HEALTH. This will make you last much longer than other people your level, and you can solo better as well.
Going to level 50, the choice is up to you, just don¡®t touch your health, or raise it up to 100.
HEALTH stat gives you better DEFENSE, and of course HP.


-Healing Skills Tier

Get Self Heal lvl 1. Get Heal Wound lvl 1. DON¡®T GET BUFFS.
Get Hyper Heal lvl 1. Get Ressurection.
Just don¡®t bother yourself raising buff skills like RAISING GUARD.
All the buffs last too short, and their cooldown is so big, you won¡®t be able to buff the whole party.
While you are buffing the last member of your party...it¡®s about time to buff the first again =)
Buff is non-sense, useless, so NEVER raise it, till they fix the duration(i don¡®t think they will do).
Hyper heal is by far the most useful skill in this tier.
On lvl 1 you can heal about 2k HP, yes you heard 2000 HP! And it¡®s AoE.
But everything has a price, Hyper Heal cost more than 100 MP on lvl 1 so Mana Potion can be really useful =)

-Curse Skills Tier

Ok, ok, some of your may think : "Omg, i wan¡®t that facking pawning debuff"
Don¡®t be that happy...This is not lineage, and Segnale has nothing to do with Necromancer =) (Not in effectiveness)
Her debuffs are ok, but by the time you are casting a debuff, an wise enemy can really rape your ass.
So never use debuff unless you are 100% right you won¡®t kiss the ground fast.
Only use it when you are in advantage. I mean by advantage, you have more than 2k Shield Left, and the enemy don¡®t hit you much hard.
You must identify, if your enemy is too strong...then don¡®t spend time debuffing...go for fighting.
If your enemy is weaker than you, use your debuffs.
Which skills i must raise?
No one.
Don¡®t spend your precious Skill Points raising these skills.
Leave curse mastery lvl 1, all other debuffs lvl 1...and
When you reach level 54 (Congratz, you r a nerd!) you will have the REAL DEBUFF.
I mean by real debuff the Skill PETRIFY. This skill is the only reason you spent 1 Skill Point on previous debuffs.

-Blood Skills Tier

The main skills for segnale are Blood Skills. With them you will PVP/PVE.
Maximize all of them(EXCEPT RUIN SKULL - DON¡®T RAISE IT, if you ever reset your skill points, don¡®t buy ruin skull). You will have enough Skill Points to have¡®em all maximized.
You will be the Queen Bitch, Mistress of Chaos, Facking Pawning Hell, if you know what i mean.
Yes, congratz, you did your homework, you came a long way to be here.

-Skill Points Left

If you are about lvl 40 or above, you may have few skill points left.
Spend them here, in order of importance :
1-Hyper Heal
2-Curse Mastery(it affects your curse skills in BLood Tier also)
3-Self Heal or Heal Wound (you choose)
4-Self Heal or Heal Wound (you choose)
5-Healing Mastery

How to PVE

See and understand your environment. Try to fight enemies one by one, so you won¡®t spend time healing.
Although you can hold 3 enemies hits, you will probably STUN LOCK(Can¡®t move, can¡®t attack, can¡®t use skills).
By getting your ass STUN LOCKED you will probably kiss the ground(Unless you are Chuck Norris).
Use combos! For low level a useful combo is : BACKDRAFT + BLOOD HIT + DEATH SCYTHE + BACKDRAFT.
Use BACKDRAFT also to bring one enemy to you(One at time), and for kiting.
BACKDRAFT is always a good finishing move.
If you need to heal, and you are rounded by enemies, use HP Potions...i know you can heal, that doesn¡®t mean you will be able to heal when getting gangbanged by 3 or more enemies.
After using potion, step away and heal.

How to PVP

Always try to hit first, this give you some advantage by putting your enemy in STUN LOCK. This means he will be able to react when it¡®s just too late =)
Identify your enemy¡®s advantage. You don¡®t wanna fight melee against an Azure Knight, Bagi Warrior, and dual sword wielding Vicious Summoner.
You don¡®t wanna fight in range against Sagita Hunter,Incar Magician, staff wielding Vicious Summoner.
If you have Petrify, don¡®t forget to use it.

-Moving in
When you want to get close to your enemy, use Death Scythe.

-Counter attacking
Backdraft is a good counter-combo. Just try to use it between the intervals of your enemy skills.

-Against Azure Knight
Try to hit first. Always begin the fight with Death Scythe(can stun for 1 sec), then do your combo, run away, Death Scythe again, Combo, run away...till you win.
Watch out for your MANA, and try to heal when available.

-Against Sagita Hunter
Before the fight begins, move next to your enemy(so she won¡®t be able to kite you).
Then begin the fight with Death Scythe(so she can¡®t run away), do your combo, when your combo finish, STAY ALWAYS CLOSE, and prepare for your next combo.
If she try to run away, Death Scythe on her.

-Against Bagi Warrior
Bagi Warriors have great defense. So you¡®ll probably never STUN LOCK a Bagi Warrior of your level. And he will probably always STUN LOCK you.
Do the same as you would do on Azure Knight, but when you run, try to kite him. Hit with skill, run away, Hit again, run away.
Watch out for your MANA, and try to heal when available.

-Against Incar Magician
Well, Incar Magician can really mess up when they want to. They have freezing skills.
This means if they freeze you...you will never be able to hit them.
So, as always begin the fight close, do your combo, prepare for next one.
If she try to run away, Death Scythe will prevent her from running.
Use anti-magic debuff right after your combo.

-Against Melee Vicious Summoner
Kite him, as you would do against Bagi Warrior.
Watch out for your MANA, and try to heal when available.

-Against Caster Vicious Summoner
Fight close and personal as you would do against Incar Magician.

:: The weakness of Segnale ::

As you can see, Segnale is a very balanced character. So she can¡®t excel in any role of the game, in exception she has Petrify, Healing and Good Looking appearance.
But what really piss me off, is her attack speed.
Her attack speed is so slow(even slower than Bagi Warrior), that her enemies can counter-attack/run away/stun UNLOCK between her hits.
Specially after the fourth hit you do.
And that makes you easy prey for a wise enemy. (Luckily our enemies are all morons)
Nothing is perfect.

Author: Vampira

Posts : 47
Join date : 2008-03-19


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