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Talent Builds

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Talent Builds Empty Talent Builds

Post  btdxcl Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:55 am

Ok now we get to the most asked question “What talents should I have?”. It all depends on what kind of Warrior you want to be. There are three main classes, Tank, Damage, and Hybrid.


A tank is used more for instances, PvE, and groups.
Here is a tank build.


Deflection 5/5
Tactical Mastery 5/5
Anger Management 1/1

Cruelty 5/5


Shield Specialization 5/5
Anticipation 4/5
Toughness 5/5
Improved Shield Block 1/3
Improved Bloodrage 2/2
Last Stand 1/1
Defiance 5/5
Improved Taunt 2/2
Improved Sunder Armor 3/3
Concussion Blow 1/1
One-handed Weapon Specialization 5/5
Shield Slam 1/1
Some might question having defiance instead of heroic strike but in the higher level instances the enemies have aggro wipe abilities and are immune to taunt.

Anger management is very useful because as a tank you will have the most rage at the end of a fight. Anger management allows you to keep that rage for the next fight.


Here is another tank build. I would call this the pure tank build.


Deflection 5
Tactical Mastery 4

Cruelty 5
Improved Demoralizing Shout 5
Piercing Howl 1


Shield Specialization 5
Anticipation 5
Toughness 5
Improved Bloodrage 2
Last Stand 1
Improved Shield Block 1
Defiance 5
Concussion Blow 1
One-Handed Weapon Specialization 5
Shield Slam 1

Here is a hybrid Mortal Strike/Tank build that is a good PvP tank.


Deflection 2
Improved Rend 3
Improved Charge 1
Tactical Mastery 5
Improved Overpower 2
Deep Wounds 3
Two-handed Weapon Specialization 3
Impale 2
Axe Specialization 5
Sweeping Strikes 1
Improved Hamstring 3
Mortal Strike 1

Cruelty 5

Anticipation 5
Toughness 5
Defiance 5
Now on to damage talent builds. These builds are more for Player Vs. Player and soloing.
Here is the classic Mortal Strike build. This is one of if not the most used PvP builds.


Deflection 2
Improved Rend 3
Tactical Mastery 5
Anger Management 1
Improved Overpower 2
Deep Wounds 3
Two-handed Weapon Specialization 3
Impale 2
Axe Specialization 5
Sweeping Strikes 1
Improved Hamstring 3
Mortal Strike 1


Cruelty 5
Improved Demoralizing Shout 5
Piercing Howl 1
Blood Craze 3
Improved Battle Shout 1
Enrage 5

And now for a PvE damage output build. This is a dual wield build and will generate a lot of rage. It will also have a more sustained damage output unlike the mortal strike build that unloads all it's damage fast.


Improved Heroic Strike 3
Improved Rend 3
Tactical Mastery 5
Anger Management 1
Deep Wounds 3
Impale 2

Cruelty 5
Unbridled Wrath 5
Piercing Howl 1
Improved Battle Shout 4
Dual Wield Specialization 3
Enrage 5
Improved Intercept 2
Death Wish 1
Improved Berserker Rage 2
Flurry 5
Bloodthirst 1

And last but not least is the I want to do everything build. This is a hybrid build that does all things ok. You can do fine at PvP and then do fine at PvE but not be the best at either.


Deflection 5
Improved Rend 3
Tactical Mastery 5
Improved Overpower 2
Anger Management 1
Deep Wounds 3
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization 3
Impale 2
Sweeping Strikes 1
Sword Specialization 5
Mortal Strike 1

Cruelty 5


Anticipation 5
Toughness 5
Defiance 5

A few talents every build should want are Cruelty, Tactical Mastery, and Deflection.

Cruelty give you more critical hits and Warriors really need more critical hits.

Tactical Mastery is needed as the best Warriors do not stay in just one stance but move from one stance to the next as the fight unfolds. Tactical Mastery will allow you to keep your rage up so you don't waste valuable time building it back up.

Deflection raises your parry chance by 5%. The less you get hit the better. Also a parry allows you to use Revenge, one of the best aggro holding abilities, so parrying more often allows you to use Revenge more often.

Weapon Trainers

Here is a list of the weapon trainers and what weapons they can train you for.

Ansekhwa: Thunder Bluff (Lower Rise). One and Two Hand Maces, Staves, and Guns.

Archibald: Undercity (War Quarter). Crossbows, Daggers, One and Two Hand Swords, And Polearms.

Hanashi: Orgrimmar (Valley of Honor). Bows, One and Two Hand Axes, Staves, and Thrown.

Sayoc: Orgrimmar (Valley of Honor). Bows, Daggers, Fist, One and Two Hand Axes, and Thrown.

All weapons can be trained at level 1 and training cost 10 silver but for Polearms. Polearms have to be trained at level 20 and cost 1 gold to train.

Posts : 148
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Talent Builds Empty Re: Talent Builds

Post  Anger Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:20 am

Anger management is very useful because as a tank you will have the most rage at the end of a fight. Anger management allows you to keep that rage for the next fight.


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