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Player Vs. Player

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Player Vs. Player Empty Player Vs. Player

Post  btdxcl Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:57 am

I don't do a lot of PvP so much of this is from reading other guides and asking questions of level 60 Warriors in-game. I have started to do some battlegrounds with my Warrior and have tried the things the guides and other Warriors have told me to see if it was valid advice.

One On One

First I will start with one on one PvP and will list each class and what I have learned so far after fighting them in battlegrounds and in raids like The Crossroads and Terran Mill.


Druids are a jack of all trades type character. Most of the time they will go into bear form and melee you until their health gets low then go into humanoid form, root you, back away and heal then go back into bear form.

When they come at you in bear form treat them like a Warrior. Sunder armor is good to use. When they go into humanoid form when their health is low wait until you see their hands turn green, than means they are about to cast a spell. Most will root but some try to heal right there, either one needs to be stopped with a Pummel, Shield Bash, or if your a Tauren you could save the Pummel or Shield Bash and do a Warstomp.

Next get a Mortal Strike in if you have it. It will reduce the amount they will heal by 50%.

If they do root you then use the Corporal Trinket if you got it or a free action potion. Try to use as few and as little rage as you can when they are in bear form then unload all you can when they are in humanoid form.

Humanoid form and spell interruption abilities are what will get them.


Distance is your worse enemy. If the Hunter gets away from you and stays that way for very long your burnt toast.

First ignore the pet and do not hit it. The pet is there to keep you away from the Hunter.

Charge the Hunter and use Hamstring first and keep it on them at all times. Next use Intimidating Shout so that their pet runs away. A Rend next is good if the Hamstring is still up and the Hunter is still near you.

Next if they are still near you Disarm them.

When the pet comes back from the Intimidating Shout the Hunter will try to run again so use a Piercing Howl to stun both the pet and the Hunter.

Avoid the freezing traps the Hunter will drop. When they run look to the ground for them.

If they do get away and you have Intercept use it then Hamstring again. If you can stay on them and keep them from running away you should be able to take them down.


Again range is the killer here. The Mage will kill you in the “Blink” of an eye. The Mage will use Frost Nova on you then Blink away and nuke you with spells. If they get low on health they will Blink away then Polymorph you and use a potion or bandage.

As always try to Charge them first then use Intimidating Shout to keep them from running away, if your a Tauren Warstomp can be used if you don't have the rage.

Hamstring them at all times and if they Polymorph you try to get off Bloodrage. It cost health but while Polymorphed you will regain your health faster.

Pummel and Shield Bash are your friends when fighting casters.

Also if they use Frost Nova an Intimidating Shout will keep them from getting too far so use it as fast as you can when they Frost Nova you.


Your in for a long fight but not impossible. At level 40 they have Plate Armor and at lower levels they have a shield and healing.

Charge in Rend, Demoralizing Shout, and Sunder armor is the way to go most of the time, Disarm if you can.

When they put their shield up back off and bandage. They should not be able to shield again unless the fight goes on a very long time.

When they are not shielded and are trying to heal, Charge, Intercept, Pummel, or Shield Bash them to stop them.

Try to use the Berserker Stance ability Execute to finish the fight.


Shadow Priests are quite possibly the most powerful PvP class there is. You can take them down if you can outlast their mana pool.

First Charge them then switch to Berserker Stance as fast as you can because they will use Physic Scream. When they do use Berserker Rage to break it. If your an Undead you can also use Will Of The Forsaken to break it.

Priest have shields but unlike a Paladin you can beat the shield down.

Pummel, Shield Bash, Charge, Intercept, the Tauren Warstomp, and any other spell stopping ability is the key.

Mortal Strike and Execute is the way to go to take them down. Mortal Strike's 50% healing reduction is great here because you fighting a healer and will make the fight much shorter.


If the Rogue sneaks up on you and gets the first hit it's going to be very hard to win the fight. Most Rogues are what is called “Stun Lock” Rogues. They will stun you and keep you that way the whole time.

The key is to first not let them sneak up on you. Always listen for the stealth detect sound, a low sounding whoooom.

If they do sneak up on you the best way to win is to Rend. Rend will keep them from using stealth.

Hamstring them and DO NOT let them get behind you or they will Backstab you.

Use Overpower when you can.

Impale and Deep Wounds are also great for fighting a Rogue.

Disarm is one of the best ways to keep a Rogue down as most all of their abilities require a weapon.

Retaliation is very good too but it has a long cooldown. For each of their fast swings you get a hard hitting one.


This is what I play as my main character. People scream their heads off that Shamans are overpowered. As a Shaman I know better. You just need to know what to do.

Shamans have less armor than a Paladin but do more damage. They are also the worse healers in the game but they can heal.

Many PvP Shamans go down the Elemental tree so they have powerful ranged spells. Charge or Intercept them and break any healing spells they try to get off. Unlike a Paladin Shamans don't have a shield to hide behind when they need healing.

Shamans will use Frost Shock against you to keep you from running so Hamstring them back to keep them in melee range.

Their shocks can hit hard if they critical so make sure your healing potion cooldown timer is off when going in.

Because they are healers and not very good ones a Mortal Strike will really hurt them.

If your a two-hand weapon Warrior ignore their totems but if your a Dual Wield Warrior kill them all.

When you get them into Execute range or run them out of mana it's all over.


Warlocks are much like a Hunter in that their pet defines them. Again Ignore the pet and go after the Warlock. Like a Shadow Priest they will use Fear on you so use Berserker Stance and break Fear when it comes.

After fighting them a while you will be able to see the difference between a Fear spell and other Shadow spells so that you can interrupt just it.

Keep the pet away with Intimidating Shout and Hamstring the Warlock to keep them from running away and nuking you from afar.


Fighting against another Warrior is a test of skill and equipment. Try to Charge first and keep them Hamstringed and stay behind them. Don't just stand in front of them and try to slug it out.

Use a Rend on them then Sunder Armor is next. Disarm is good as of course most Warrior abilities require a weapon. Demoralizing Shout is also good to keep their damage down.



You now have your Warrior and now you need a job. I will list the primary professions combinations and how they might be good for a Warrior.

Mining and Skinning: If you do not have a main character that can supply your Warrior with lots of money or your Warrior is your main character then two gathering professions is a must. You can sell what you gather and use the money to buy weapons and armor.

I like this combination because Mining is a high profit gathering skill and since you will be killing beasts anyway you might as well skin them and make more money.

Mining and Herbalism: Another gathering combination that works well for making money.

Note: I would not go Mining and Herbalism because you can only track one of them on the mini-map at a time. I can't tell you how many times I've been going along and did not or could not see a resource spot until the yellow dot showed up on the mini-map.

Herbalism and Alchemy: Not really a money maker until you can make swiftness potions and other high level stuff. They love the swiftness potions for the battlegrounds. The potions can be a great boost and you will not have to farm or buy health potions.

Mining and Blacksmithing: This is a good combination to keep you in modest weapons and armor most of the time. You can also make keys that can open locked doors and treasure chests. You also make items needed by other professions like rods for enchanters and items for Engineers.

Mining and Engineering: Engineering is a money pit but oh boy what fun toys you get to play with. You can go, at the higher levels, either Gobblin or Gnomish Engineering. Gobblin is more towards bombs and Gnomish is more for gadgets.

Engineering is good for PvE and great for PvP. Just remember you will need loads of cash.

Skinning and Leatherworking: This is not a good combination for a Warrior as leather armor is too weak to wear for a Warrior and it does not seem to sell very well.

Enchanting and Tailoring: A good combination. You can disenchant the items you create with tailoring to feed your Enchanting and you can enchant the items you make with Tailoring boosting their value. Also with Tailoring you can make bags.

Enchanting is only really profitable at higher levels. You will be glad that you can enchant you own stuff when you ask for a high level enchant and get a price of several hundred gold back!


There are three secondary professions and I would advise everyone to take all three as you can do them all.

First Aid: With first aid you can make bandages to heal yourself and others. You can normally only do this when out of combat because if you get hit it will stop the healing. Being able to heal yourself and others will help your groups healers mana pool.

Cooking: Cooking allows you to make food that can give you a boost after eating it. The most common boost is one to Stamina and Spirit. More Stamina is just what a Warrior needs. There is also a cool one that allows you to breath fire! You will also regain health faster when eating food.

Fishing: Fishing goes hand in hand with Cooking. Some of the recipes require fish and you can also gather fish faster than other types of raw cooking food.

They have added new things to fishing after nerfing it a few months after the game went live. There are now schools of fish you can see near the shore so you can be more sure of what you are getting.

Also you can now find floating wreckage and fish up items once again such as bolts of cloth, leather, potions, weapons, armor, and more. They have toned it down from what it was like when the game first came out but it once again makes Fishing worth taking up.


Warriors are pretty good and Blizzard did a good job with them, most likely because all races have the Warrior class so if they messed them up everyone would complain.

I would suggest a Warrior as a second character because of the need for up to date weapons and armor but with a few money making skills you can have your Warrior feed and cloth himself.

I will try to update, improve, and correct this guide as often as I can.
Good luck Warriors!

Edward The Less


Posts : 148
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Player Vs. Player Empty Re: Player Vs. Player

Post  humanoid Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:19 am

If they do root you then use the Corporal Trinket if you got it or a free action potion. Try to use as few and as little rage as you can when they are in bear form then unload all you can when they are in humanoid form.


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