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Boss Strategy

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Boss Strategy Empty Boss Strategy

Post  btdxcl Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:20 am

The Prophet Skeram


1) True Fufillment, which Mind Controls a target, and gives them increased damage, higher resistances, faster movement and instant- cast spells. The target also grows to an immense size, so it is easy to see who is being controlled. The effect cannot be dispelled. Have your mages sheep them immediately.

2)Create image. At 75%, 50%, and 25%, creates two images that have identical abilities to Skeram. The images spawn with the same percentage of life as Skeram, but they take more damage than the true Prophet.

3) Arcane Explosion (1.5K, large radius). It can be interrupted.

4) Earth Shock (2.5K), he casts this continuously on random targets when he is not being tanked.

5) Blinks to either platform beside him, clearing aggro.

The first boss encounter is a short jog from the entrance of the zone - about 4 or 5 trash pulls. The strategy to the Skeram fight is not well-known at this time, but some details are known. He is said to be near the difficulty of the Molten Core boss Majordomo Executus, and similarily to the Majordomo, Skeram requires skill and strategy to beat over gear. Gear certainly helps, however, and it this encounter is not recommended to a group which has not been through the Molten Core up to at least the Majordomo. For this fight, 5 of each class would be recommended, and at least 3 warriors geared as Main Tanks. Ideally, a feral druid with tanking gear would also be available - feral charge can be useful if Skeram teleports, or if one of his copies get away. The druid can act as an off-tank to bring Skeram back to the warriors or to substitute as a Main Tank. Out Of Combat ressing is not a possibility in this fight, because not only is the entire instance flagged in combat, but Skeram does a devastating AoE if anyone is outside a certain range of him (estimated about 100 yards.)

Skeram's abilities include a teleport. He seems to most often teleport to one of the three platforms near where he starts. Skeram also has the ability to split himself into 3 copies - hence the 3 Main Tanks. Each Prophet will do a large range arcane AoE attack when more than 4 people are within melee range. The AoE damage is small enough that it should be able to be easily healed. (On the test realm, the Skerams could be tanked below while the ranged DPS and healers could climb up the stone structure to avoid the AoE. This might be an exploit and will likely be fixed by the time this encounter goes live.) Note - When he splits he can have 3 on 1 side, so make sure to Soulstone the tanks and have 2 on each side (Middle left and right). Be sure to focus on images first rather than Skeram as they do similar damage. He will spam Earthshock when not tanked and had aggro from a range DPS and this will probably kill them. Other than that it is not that hard to perfect, but Polymorphing needs to be done fast.

The melee DPS should split into 3 groups. One group in the middle, and the other 2 groups half-way up the steps (near the statues. The healers should also be split into roughly 3 groups, to heal the three melee groups. All of the ranged DPS should head to the top of the steps. Mages should be placed along both sides of the steps to IMMEDIATELY polymorph anyone that gets mind controlled. As skeram teleports he wipes most of his agro, so the melee group that he teleports to should Taunt, tank, and DPS him, while the other melee groups stay where they are. When he hits 75,50, and 25 % he makes 2 copies of himselves. They will initially spread out to the 3 positions the melees are placed at (left, middle,right). Quickly determine which ones the copies are, and have all ranged DPS concenrate on them, one at a time. The 2 copies have ALL the abilities of the regular ones, so you have to kill them very fast. A bit after the copies are made, they will start teleporting around, and 2 will end up in the same location. It would be best to have a warrior taunt and pull one back to the middle. TRY TO ALWAYS HAVE LESS THAN 5 PEOPLE IN MELEE RANGE AND YOU WILL AVOID THE AE ARCANE EXPLOSION COMPLETELY. -Good Luck

Lord Kri, Princess Yauj and Vem (optional)

Kri is an optional boss in Ahn'Qiraj, who comes with 2 other bosses: Princess Yauj and Vem. Kri has an area wide Toxic Volley that hits for 500 damage and DoTs for 125 damage. It is a poison attack that deals nature damage. When Kri dies, his corpse leaves a poison cloud that DoTs for 2000 damage per second.

Group strategy

Theoretically, the loot gained by this encounter is determined by the order you kill this bug family, although the encounter is currently bugged (no pun intended) and no matter which way you drop them the loot is identical. In order to get the best loot, you need to kill the hardest one, Kri, last. The easiest way to complete this encounter is to kill Lord Kri first, then Princess Yauj and finally Vem. Until Lord Kri dies, have hunters keep Nature Resist up, shamans doing poison cleansing totems, druids curing poison, Paladins cleanse as much as possible whilst priests and druids keep up the heals. Take Princess Yauj far away from the main raid, and start working on Kri. When he dies, a very damaging poison cloud will appear, so make sure everyone gets far. After him, kill Princess Yauj and make sure casters are ready to kill all the litte bugs that will spawn, the princess also heals so ensure that you have a number of rogues to kick her when she casts or mages to counterspell (she is immune to the silence effect and can resist easily), Taking into account the AoE fear this can be rather tricky so good tactics are needed. Horde can also use Tremor totems to great effect in this fight somewhat simplifying it. After she dies, just finish off Vem.

Princess Yauj is an optional boss in Ahn'Qiraj, who comes with 2 other bosses: Kri and Vem. Yauj has a range AOE fear that wipes aggro even if mitigated with Fear Ward. This fear will make you go out the door and can have the 3 of them reset, Therefore, strategy to beat Yauj is to tank her as far as you can from the main raid. Also, when you have started to kill her, she will cast a self-heal, which needs to be interrupted. When Yauj dies, several small bugs spawn. For complete strategies, read the Lord Kri entry.

Vem is an optional boss in Ahn'Qiraj, who comes with 2 other bosses: Kri and Princess Yauj. Vem has a charge ability

Battleguard Sartura


Battleguard Sartura and her three adds have nearly identical abilities:

1) Whirlwind - immune to stun while Whirlwinding, otherwise vulnerable. (Much like the gurubashi Axethrowers in ZG)

2) No aggro list -- It clears every whirlwind however note if you are a Warlock and spam add up with a bunch of DoTs the add will come kill you.

3) Enrage - At 20% she will go enraged, buffing her attack either a little or a lot. During this fight, you have to get her health below 30% within ten minutes, otherwise you will get the hard version of enrage, which is near impossible to win against. If you do manage to get her under 30% within ten minutes, you'll get the easy version, which is roughly 10x less powerful.

4) Sartura's guards have a punt attack that will send you flying, do not get near the entrance to the tunnel with bugs in it, because being punted into that tunnel means a wipe for your raid.


Assign a warrior and a paladin (if you are alliance) to each add before the fight starts. When she has just passed your camp and is on your left hand side, going towards the back, move in, this gives you enough time to spread out in the room. Spreading out is the key to this fight, use every part of the room except the area near the tunnel entrance. The warrior that is on each add taunts whenever it is up and trys to tank it. The mobs wipe their hate list frequently, so it will be impossible to hold agro permanantly, however keeping a tank on the mob helps. Paladins use hammer of justice whenever they can. During the first portion of the fight, it is mainly Ranged dps on the adds. Rogues hang back and only engage the adds when they are stunned. While moving around to avoid whirlwinds, be sure and stay within range of your healer, but not too close to them. The main job of the Rogues is to stay alive until all the adds are down, because they are extremely important when fighting Sartura herself. Focus fire on the adds until they are dead, and as each add dies, the warrior that was tanking that add moves to help tank Sartura. The tanks are mainly just trying to keep her taunted whenever they can. While fighting Sartura herself, you must drop her to 30% within 10 minutes, or you will wipe from the powerful enrage that she gains. If you drop her soon enough, the version of enrage she gains is very weak. Rogues focus on keeping her stunned while she is not whirlwinding, they save combo points and stun whenever possible. Ranged DPS goes all out on her, because they can't 'pull agro' (but be aware if she targets you, and get out of her way). Keep moving around! Once the adds are down this fight is extremely easy, as long as everyone stays out of Sartura's path.

Fankriss the Unyielding


1) Mortal Wound - Stackable Debuff on the MT that reduces healing by 10%. This is a cleave attack so it can hit multiple people in front of him. (Very simialar in shape, design, and abilities to Kurinnaxx)

2) During the fight the bugs, Vekniss Hatchlings, similar to those that you killed to get to the boss will spawn and swarm the group. With each spawn one player will be ported and rooted in one of the small acloves around the room. These bugs hit harder than than the Vekniss Drones you fought to get to him.

3) During the fight Level 63 elite worms will spawn from Fankriss approximately every 30 seconds.


To get to him you will run through Vekniss Drones and Vekniss Soldiers. Your main tank will tank the Soldiers. Their only special ability is an armor debuff. Mages will AoE the Drones with help from Warlocks. Each Mage should have a buddy to watch them, and the encounter is similar to Broodlord Lashlayer, however the non elites are on a quicker spawn so KEEP MOVING!

Fankriss is very easy to tank. All you need is 2 tanks to rotate. Hatchlings will spawn and they hit hard! Have another tank gather them up and tank them. If you have enough tanks use 2.

Elite worms spawn occasionally. Have an offtank tank them and Rogues deal with them, but do not leave them be. Yes, they will respawn after time, however 4 of them running rampant on Healers is a no go.

Magi, Warlocks, Hunters and 2 tanks will be attacking Fankriss. If you have an abundance of Rogues consider putting a couple on him too. You will need to go all out throughout the battle.

Do not try AoEing the Hatchlings, there are around 16 and they hit 700-800 on a clothie. Clothie will die and they will eat healers. So tank them as they appear to cap at 16.

Off tanks (ie Worm tanks) watch healers with one eye. It is important not to let them be savaged by hatchlings or worms.

Other than that it is a question of DPS.

Princess Huhuran


1) Princess Huhuran's most significant ability is her 30% mode. At this time, the closest 15 people to her will take monumental amounts of nature damage and will require high Nature Resistance. No one else needs nature resistance for this encounter other than those 15 people.

2) Throughout the fight Princess Huhuran will toss a nature damage based poison volley which does over 700 damage per tick and ticks four times and sometimes silences but is rather bugged in that aspect. It is believed this poison volley cannot be resisted, but can be avoided somehow.

3) Princess Huhuran has a direct damage nature damage based attack that can be resisted.

4) Princess Huhuran will hit people with Wyvern Sting which puts them to sleep but will cause additional, massive damage if cleansed


Position is very important for the fight. The tanks need to tank her facing away from the raid. She will stack a nature DOT on the MT so tanks must be rotated. When facing toward the raid can do a random poison volley at times.

15 people need high NR for when she rages at 30%. These 15 must be close-ish to her. She will chuck poison volleys at them repeatedly.

Do not dispell wyvern sting (especially on Rogues!) as it causes 4k insta-damage. It can be resisted. If your tanks and healing can take it you may wish to remove it from main tanks

Noxious poison deals ~3k DOT and supposedly silences although it is a bit buggy(Have had silence before the DoT part comes. The DOT is not dispellable and as such is very dangerous. I have a theory she will only cast it when in frenzy but this is not confirmed. · Hunters must be on the ball tranquilizing when she is frenzied -- it boosts her melee power alot.

Let the tanks get comfortable with rotation - 2 or 3 tanks need to rotate due to stacking DoT. Then, DPS but not too heavy (so as not to over-aggro). Try to keep mana high-ish ready for an outburst at 30%.

At 30% she will begin mass-chucking poison volleys at the nearest 15 members and its position will make no difference. Obviously put your highest NR candidates there, tanks and Rogues MUST have high NR as Tanks will die too fast otherwise and no Rogues will gimp much needed DPS at this time!

After 5 minutes she will spam poison volley, basically same as enraging at 30%. Similar to Vaelastrasz' encounter. Not currently known if 5 min rage is more powerful than 30% (Battleguard Sartura's after-10-minute enrage is MUCH more deadly than her lower HP rage for example) however it is much more advantageous to have the enrage as late as possible.

Posts : 148
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Boss Strategy Empty Re: Boss Strategy

Post  Skeram Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:04 am

The first boss encounter is a short jog from the entrance of the zone - about 4 or 5 trash pulls. The strategy to the Skeram fight is not well-known at this time, but some details are known.


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