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Breakfast Topic: Major city vibes

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Breakfast Topic: Major city vibes Empty Breakfast Topic: Major city vibes

Post  btdxcl Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:12 am

This morning, Damian Olson writes in with a concern that not all of the major WoW cities are created equal. In fact, he goes as far as to suggest that perhaps the Horde "got the short end of the stick" in comparison to their Alliance counterparts.

For example, he points out that Ironforge has an impressive entrance and heroic theme-music, while Undercity is a broken, sad place. What do you guys think? Does the lore behind each major city justify the design, or should some of the cities have been given a little more development love?

Personally, Undercity is my favorite city in the entire game, and I find parts of the Alliance capitols to be a bit overly patriotic and proud. How do you feel about the major cities, and what would you change if you could? Where do you feel most at home, and why (the racial capitol of your main or first character, etc)?

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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Breakfast Topic: Major city vibes Empty Re: Breakfast Topic: Major city vibes

Post  justify Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:30 am

For example, he points out that Ironforge has an impressive entrance and heroic theme-music, while Undercity is a broken, sad place. What do you guys think? Does the lore behind each major city justify the design, or should some of the cities have been given a little more development love?


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