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Playing Again

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Playing Again Empty Playing Again

Post  pwppxb Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:44 pm

So having worked out an acceptable rotation on playing WoW - I'm back to playing. Smile Found a nice server (*cough* Feathermoon *cough*) that has a nice mix of age groups and rolled a new toon. Dranei Hunter (yeah, I know, big surprise) - but let's face it... until a person gets a good feel for the game, playing a toon that won't die every five minutes has its value.

In the couple (or 3 or 4) weeks that I didn't play I did do some research, in particular on making money - because I hate being broke! Yes, I know I am making piddly money compared to the veterans - but for a noob like me to be pulling in an average 3 gold per session, that's a lot! lol For noobs reading this: *listen* to the veterans when they tell you it's best to take two gathering professions at first. No, it isn't a trick or some stupid initiation to keep you from leveling a production profession; it really is a good way to earn some decent money at early (well - even late from what I read) levels.

Yes, I already posted this in the newcomer board, but if you didn't read it, here it is again: I took mining and skinning. I play for approximately 2 hours. I end up with at least 2 stacks of light leather and 1 stack of copper bars. The light leather, on my server, is going for about 50 silver each. The copper bars for approx. 1 gold each. @ 2 stacks of leather, that's 1 gold, and the 1 gold from the copper bars.... that's 2 gold per session just for posting what I was going to come across anyway ( meaning: I didn't spend all my time looking for resources - I was questing) on the AH and undercutting prices by 10 - 25 copper. Easy money. I've only done it for a few days and I'm at 10 gold on a level 16 toon. And since I'm spending the majority of my time questing, I'm getting plenty of decent items so no need to spend money on the AH for halfway decent equipment. Yes, I'm lovin it.

So for all you noobs out there (like me), don't be afraid of the Auctionhouse. Browse around, see what sells on your server and post some of your own. If you undercut the general prices just a little bit (or go with whatever the general price is if it's something that sells regularly), you'll sell your stuff with no problem and have a nice little bank account.

Posts : 109
Join date : 2008-04-01

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