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What a lovely weekend !!

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What a lovely weekend !! Empty What a lovely weekend !!

Post  mkpwe Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:34 am

Hi all, as the title suggests I had a great weekend. I created my blog, played a bit of WoW then watched Exeter city beat Southport 2-1 so they made it to the play-offs, got drunk, played WoW again (almost 41 now) !!

And that was just saturday.

In my first blog Stigg asked me to blog some pics of where I live, but my camera is not really working anymore after an embarrassing mishap. Okay! I'll tell you what happened - I was running to catch up with a mate & it fell & I drop kicked it into the road where it died spectacularly. It really was an amazing kick "into touch" & I dont even play rugby lol.

Anyway on sunday I went to this little place http://www.doublelocks.co.uk/index.htm (hope you like it Stigg, maybe have a beer there if you come over??) which is about 20 minutes walk away from my place or a 10 minute boat ride which is wonderful & it really is a nice place to relax. The pics dont really do it justice but you can get a general feel of the place.

I'm off work today with earache . Actual earache not wife/gf aggro lol.

Odi http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/blogs/viewblog.php?userid=330843&entry=247

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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