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Welcome to my Archer/Hunter/Ranger guide for Maple story.

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Welcome to my Archer/Hunter/Ranger guide for Maple story. Empty Welcome to my Archer/Hunter/Ranger guide for Maple story.

Post  sarah Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:37 am

1. Version History \

Version 1.0
- First version created.

Version 1.01
-Added some training tips, jump shooting section, some more leveling spots.

Version 1.02
-Added some information about the third job Ranger. I need your help for
the skill tables, skill builds, and high level leveling spots! E-mail me!

Version 1.03
-Added all third job skills tables. Becoming a ranger section updated.

/ \
/ 2. Why to pick archer/hunter? \

First of all, why would someone pick an archer? Yes, at the beginning, they
are probably the weakest class. Doing 10 with an arrow and doing 250 with
another may not be very fun. The fun part is when you reach higher levels.
Around level 35, your damage should be high enough and stable enough for
people to stop stealing your kills. Before that, leveling can be very boring
and sometimes frustrating. Still, the outcome of these hard levels is
wonderful. Archer is one of the most (or THE most) powerful class in the
game. Their skills are very fun and deadly. Enough with this, let's get to
the real stuff.

/ \
/ 3. Being a beginner \

Beginning as an archer is somewhat easy. Since you will need 15 strength at
level 10, you may want to put those points at your early beginner levels.
Doing a higher damage with your melee weapon on maple island can save you
a lot of time. To make the job advancment, you will need to be level 10 and
have at least 25 DEX. For more information about the stats and leveling tips,
refer to the proper categories of this guide.

/ \
/ 4. Becoming an archer \

As I said in the past section, to become an archer you have to be level 10 and
have at least 25 DEX. Once you hit those, you can quit maple island and go to
Henesys, where you will make the job advancement. I recommend you to take the
taxi, it costs around 100 mesos when you are a beginner. Henesys can be
confusing at first. To find to job advancement place, go in Mushroom park. To
go there, walk to the right from the left entrance. You will reach chief Stan
and right next to him is the entrance to Mushroom park. Once you are in, go to
the far right on the map in the last building. In there, you will see Athena
Pierce, talk to her and she will offer you to become an archer. Say Yes, an
she will make you one. Now that you are an archer, what to do? If it's your
first character, you may not have enough money to buy your equipment and
arrows. You can use a melee weapon until level 20 or so if you are very poor.
Once you are level 20, buying arrows shouldn't be a problem. You can also ask
other players for arrows. Most of them will give you some for free.

/ \
/ 5. Becoming a Hunter \

To become a Hunter, you have to be a level 30 archer. Once you hit that level,
go back to Athena Pierce and she will refer to the instructor, which is one map
at the right of Henesys (Upper portal). She (or he?) is at the top right of the
map. Once you reach her, she will ask you if you want to do the "test". Say
Yes. You will be sent at a map full of evil eyes and zombie mushrooms. This
place can be very annyoing since it's full of small plaforms. Very bad for an
archer. Kill the monsters and gather 30 dark marbles. Once you got them, go
talk to the instructor and she will give you the proof of a hero. Bring this
back to Athena Pierce and she will ask you if you want to be a crossbowman or a
hunter. I you want to use bows, go with hunter, if you want to use crossbows go
with crossbowman. Hunters are faster, crossbowmen are stronger.

/ \
/ 6. Becoming a Ranger \

When you hit level 70, go in El nath, in Ossyria. There should be a big house
in that town. It's the Chief Residence. Go there and talk to Rene. She should
tell you to go see Athena pierce in Henesys. Go back to Victoria and talk to
her. She will ask you kill her clone to prove your strenght. That door of
dimension is in sleepywood dungeon V. Double click on the door and enter the
other dimension. In there, you'll have to kill Athena Pierce within 20 minutes.
It's not a hard task, as long as your bring some healing items with you. For
some tips on killing her, refer to the Boss section. After she's dead, pick up
the Black Charm and exit by double clicking the sparkling crystal. Go back to
Athena and she'll give you the necklace of strength. Go back to Rene and show
her the necklace. She'll ask you to go answer some questions at the Holy stone.
The stone is located in the Holy grounds in the snowfield. To get there, go
to Sharp cliff II and go in the door at the top right of that map.

Make sure you have a refined Dark Crystal with you. You'll need one to answer
the questions. There are a total of 5 to answer. They are randomly picked from
a selection. They shouldn't be too hard. If you are not sure, check on
internet. If you fail a question, you'll need to pay another refined Dark
Crystal to try again. Once you answered them all, you'll get the necklace of
wisdom. Go back to Rene and she'll make you a ranger. You'll get 1 skill
point and 5 ability point.

/ \
/ 7. Stats points allocation \

First of all, you get 5 stats point every level. You can spend them on 6
categories. These are:
- Strenght (STR)
- Dexterity (DEX)
- Intelligence (INT)
- Luck (LUK)
- Health points (HP)
- Mana points (MP)

As an archer, you will only need STR and DEX. You shouldn't ever put points
in any of the other categories. You should also try to roll a 4 INT and 4 LUK
build when you create your character. If you don't want to waste 15+ minutes,
you can also try to get a 4/5 or a 5/5.

You should always have 5 more STR than your level since you want to be a
hunter. For a crossbowman (which I'm not covering in this guide), you will
need as much strength as your level.
Level 35 hunter should have 40 STR.
Level 35 crossbowman should have 35 STR.

This is because of the strength requirement on bows/crossbows and other pieces
of equipment.

Put ALL the remaining points in your DEX. Dexterity is what will affect your
damage. Higher is your DEX, higher is your damage.

What you need to know:
STR = your level +5 (hunter)
DEX = every remaining points

Now, for more concrete stuff, here's a stats allocation table:

(That is if you rolled a 4/4 build when creating the character)

Level - STR
10 15
15 20
20 25
25 30
30 35
35 40
40 45
45 -- (No new equipment)
50 55
55 -- (No new equipment)
60 65
65 70
70 75
80 85

Every other points should be in DEX.

I would put the 5/10 points in STR at the level you need it. For example,
if you need 20 STR at level 15, I would put the 5 points in STR all in one
shot, at level 15. If you don't, you will do a little less damage from level
11 to 15. Even though level 80, 90, 100 equipement may not be out in your
version yet, they probably will someday. We know already there is level
100 equipement in some versions.

Posts : 201
Join date : 2008-03-22

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