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A guide for Assassins, from level 1-120

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A guide for Assassins, from level 1-120 Empty A guide for Assassins, from level 1-120

Post  sarah Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:38 am

1) Legal Info

This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal/private use. It may not be placed on any of the sites not listed below
without written permission. Use of this guide on any other or as part of a
public display is strictly prohibited and is a violation of copyright.

Sites that have permission to use this guide:


NOTE - I am NOT allowing ANY other sites to use my guide. It's not happening,
as with my Cleric Guide sending it to five sites was really a pain in the ass.
If you beg me, I'll consider it, but probably not.

NOTE - If you see this guide on ANY other sites than the ones listed above,
then please notify me. You should give me a few days though - it may just be
that a new site got the guide and I haven't released an update as of yet. Give
me a few days, then e-mail me. This is much appreciated.


2) Version History

Version 1.0 - The guide is complete to my knowledge. Typos and stuff will be
fixed later on, with another update, because I am le tired.


3) Assassins vs. All!

If you're reading this guide, I shouldn't really have to convince you. You've
probably already made up your mind: "The Assassin is the Class for me!" Well,
chances are you're right, considering assassins are one of the most popular
characters. But why are assassins the very BEST, of all the classes in Maple
Well, out of the three ranged characters, assassins are the only ones who can
consistently jump AND attack at the same time. This is the signature move of
the assassin, and along with looking cool, it allows you to shoot with extended
range, shoot enemies who are right beside you (a bowman would have to move
away, or knockback the enemy) and shoot enemies as you walk, without stopping
to shoot and then resuming your promenade. Assassins also have the best
accuracy, considering LUK and DEX, which both help with accuracy, are our two
main stats. Assassins are a little pricey, depending on what world you choose,
but regardless they are definitely powerful and unique.
Welcome to the world of the Assassin!


4) Ability Point Allocation

The most important stat for an assassin is LUK, followed by DEX.

When you create your character, chose your hair, eyes, clothes, weapon, etc.
and then pick your name. Finally, it's time to roll. Maple Story is an
incredibly stat sensitive game. If you mess up your stats, your character will
deal much lower damage than others. Unlike you may have thought, while rolling,
the most important stats are STR and INT. You don't use these stats, but you
have to pay attention to them, because if you make them as low as possible when
you roll, your LUK and DEX will be respectively higher. Thus, a perfect roll
would look like this:

STR: 4
INT: 4

That's a 4 in both of your useless stats. Note that this can take a VERY long
time - instead you may wish to simply settle for a 5 in one of them, or even a
5 in both of them. It will not ruin your character, you'll just have 1 or 2
points less in LUK in the end, which isn't a whole lot.

As you level up, your DEX should be your level multiplied by 2, and all other
points should go in your LUK stat. For example, I'm level 25. My DEX should
be 50. If I'm level 40, my DEX should be 80. Here's how I do it. Let's say I've
just leveled to 15 and my DEX is 30, like it should be. I level to 16, and
increase my LUK by 5. I level to 17 and 18, and both times I increase my LUK
only. Then, when I level to 19 and to 20, I increase my DEX both times. The
only exception is leveling to 15 - your DEX is 25 at level 10 so it only needs
to increase by 5 when you hit level 15.

All you need to do is keep your DEX double your level, and make sure
all other points go into LUK. Also note that at level 50, you'll follow the
same pattern as before - increase your LUK at the two last levels. However
since there is no equipment between levels 40 and 50, your DEX will end up
being 90 at level 50. It will be 100 at 60, and 110 at 70, and so on.


5) The Beginning: Maple Island

In terms of training on Maple Island, thieves are second slowest, right after
bowman and before mage. You'll want to add all your AP into DEX until it
reaches 25, because it will boost your damage slightly. All other points
go in LUK. Go through the cute training grounds where you get dressed up
as an apple, and then exit and start training. You will stay at this map
until you are about level 7, killing green snails - trust me, they are the best
source of EXP at this point. At level 7 or even 8, travel to Amherst and the
surrounding area and do all the quests there. You'll be around level 8 or 9,
and after this you can do whatever you want to get to 10.


6) Becoming a Thief!

Once you hit level 10 travel to Lith Harbor using the ship in Southperry, for
150 mesos. Take the taxi to Kerning City, and enter the Fusion Bar. At the
bottom, beneath the...washroom (!?) is the Dark Lord. Talk to him and he'll
make you a rogue, as long as your DEX is 25, which it should be if you followed
the AP Allocation Section. Please, it's R-O-G-U-E, NOT R-O-U-G-E. That is the
colour red in French. So many people make this mistake and it for some reason
it annoys me, so please, it's rogue. Your HP and MP are increased, along with
your base attack. He'll also give you 1 SP. Where should you put it?
Well...we'll find out in the next section.


7) Skill Point Allocation <1st Job>

So you've got these awesome things called skills. Without skills, you are
nothing. Every time you level up you'll gain 3 SP. You can put it anywhere
you like, but there's a few recommended paths. I've listed them here.

This build is for the NON-FUNDED thief. This is either your first character
ever, or it's your first character on a seperate world. This is the classic
non-funded thief build, and I find it works very well.

Level 10: Lucky Seven +1
Level 11: Nimble Body +3
Level 12: Keen Eyes +3
Level 13: Nimble Body +3
Level 14: Nimble Body +3
Level 15: Nimble Body +3
Level 16: Nimble Body +3
Level 17: Nimble Body +3
Level 18: Nimble Body +2 (MAX), Keen Eyes +1
Level 19: Keen Eyes +3
Level 20: Keen Eyes +1 (MAX), Lucky Seven +2
Level 21: Lucky Seven +3
Level 22: Lucky Seven +3
Level 23: Lucky Seven +3
Level 24: Lucky Seven +3
Level 25: Lucky Seven +3
Level 26: Lucky Seven +2 (MAX), Disorder +1
Level 27: Disorder +2, Dark Sight +1
Level 28: Dark Sight +3
Level 29: Dark Sight +3
Level 30: Dark Sight +3

For those of you who prefer a simple word format, it goes something like this:
Lucky Seven > 1, Nimble Body > 3, Keen Eyes > 3, Nimble Body > MAX,
Keen Eyes > MAX, Lucky Seven > MAX, Disorder > 3, Dark Sight > 10

Okay, I lied. Really, this build is slightly different from the typical,
non-funded thief build. Usually, you'd max Nimble Body before even touching
Keen Eyes. However, due to my personal taste, I like putting 3 points on Keen
Eyes to get that little bit of extra range, which I find really helps with
training. You don't need to, you could just max Nimble Body, then add to Keen
Eyes afterwards if you so wish.

Posts : 201
Join date : 2008-03-22

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