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Differences between Second Jobs

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Differences between Second Jobs Empty Differences between Second Jobs

Post  ssjuc Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:21 pm

Most of the warrior classes are basically the same during 2nd job. All of them use Power Strike and Slash Blast as their main attacks. Basically the differences can be summed up in two areas: skills and weapon choices.

* The main skill difference is that Fighters get Rage, which boosts your party's weapon attack by 10. During 2nd job this is strongly appreciated, as it is free (except for -10 wep def, which is not going to impact the damage you take much at all), takes no Use slots and increases each party member's damage (except Mages) by several hundreds. The other classes can give themselves a weapon attack boost as well, but need items to do so. Fighters also get Power Guard, reducing touch damage by 40% and deals it back to the monster. This is the main reason why Fighters/Crusaders are considered soloers is because this reduces pot costs immensely.
* Pages get Threaten, a skill that lowers the enemies' weapon defense and weapon attack by 20; this is mostly used to lower damage dealt to you. Pages also get Power Guard, reducing touch damage by 40% and deals it back to the monster. This is one of the main reason why Pages/WKs are considered soloers is because this reduces pot costs immensely. Of course, constant KB and Ice Charge helps also to the soloing factor.
* Spearmen get Hyper Body, which boosts your max HP/MP and that of your party by 60% when maxed. This skill is particularly useful for helping partied Thieves, Archers, and Mages to survive more hits from enemies and/or PQ bosses. They also get Iron Will which gives +20 wep def and +20 mag def for 300 sec. It is basically a nerfed Bless with 100 seconds more duration but gives no accuracy or avoidability bonus. Even with this skill maxed, it isn't even close to being in the same league as Power Guard and is why Spearman/DKs are not considered a soloing class.
* The other difference is weapon options. Fighters and Pages can both choose between unstable weapons with high max damage, stable weapons with higher min damage, fast weapons, slow weapons, long reach, short reach, etc. Spearmen get weapons with the highest maximum damage, but lowest minimum damage, and with the longest reach but (with a few exceptions) the slowest attack speed.

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Join date : 2008-04-01

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