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Is anything known about the fourth jobs?

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Is anything known about the fourth jobs? Empty Is anything known about the fourth jobs?

Post  qeqo23 Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:40 pm

Fourth jobs have currently been released in the KoreaMS, JapanMS, ChinaMS,Maplesea, TaiwanMS and GlobalMS versions. A few things are known about this job advancement:

The general procedure of the 4th job advancement test
The names of the fourth job classes.
There is a skill that is common to all classes.
A few skills require certain 2nd or 3rd job skills to be maxed.
The skill book received only gives a few skills, and to learn more, scrolls must be obtained from monsters.
Each skill starts off with a max level of 10 when obtained. Scroll-like items are required to raise this to its maximum of 20 or 30.
See also: Jobs


Posts : 47
Join date : 2008-03-29

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