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MapleStory/Bowman Guide/Builds

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MapleStory/Bowman Guide/Builds Empty MapleStory/Bowman Guide/Builds

Post  ssjuc Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:59 am


* 1 Stat build
* 2 First Job Skill Build
* 3 Second Job Skill Builds
o 3.1 Final Attack Build
o 3.2 FA-Less Build
* 4 Third Job
o 4.1 Currently Agreed points about 3rd job
+ 4.1.1 Debates
o 4.2 IsaacGS's Third Job Build
o 4.3 TruZen's Third Job Build (Sniper)
* 5 Anti-Builds
o 5.1 The max AB build
o 5.2 The max AB and max DS build
o 5.3 The no/low-PKB build
o 5.4 The no-Bomb or Iron Arrow or 15 Bomb/Iron Arrow Build
* 6 Ongoing Debates
o 6.1 Conclusions of the first Great Archer Debate: AB vs. DS
o 6.2 The New Job One Debate: AB vs. Focus vs. Blessing
o 6.3 The Greater Archer Debate: FA or FA-less?
o 6.4 Common Myths

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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