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Chief Bandit Armor/Weapon Guide

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Chief Bandit Armor/Weapon Guide Empty Chief Bandit Armor/Weapon Guide

Post  eybumm Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:20 am

* Level 70: Definitely keep your Silver or Dark Identity, as both have the same or more luk than the Bloodfox respectively. Get the Dark armor set, as they give the maximum amount of luk, and get a decent level 70 weapon, with at least 3 luk and 83 weapon attack, or if you have a low meso amount, stick with your deadly fin, although training will be slower, and there will be a big difference in attack.

* Level 80: If you have a Dark Pirate Hat with more than 4 luk, then switch hats. If you don't, stick with your Dark Identity. Change your entire armor set, and consider getting an attack work glove if your wallet is full. Scroll your level 80 weapon to +4 or more (93 weapon attack and 4 luk).


* If you have less than 20 million, you could get a workglove and scroll it with 100%s.
* If you have 20 million to 50 million, I wouldn't recommend one, as unless you use your entire budget, you could probably get a 6-8 attack one.
* If you have 50 million to 100 million, buy a couple of 60% glove attacks, make a work glove and scroll it yourself, although it will slice a clean cut off your budget.

If you have 100 million+, then get a workglove with at least 12 attack.

* Level 90: Get the Dark Set again, and get the level 90 dagger (+ 4). You should have a workglove by now, and scrolled capes and shoes. If you don't want to spend your mesos on the top and bottom, at least get 100% scrolls or cheap 60% scrolls and scroll your armor, unless you're planning to sell the level 90 armor off.

* Level 100+: By this level, you will probably know what armor and weapons you need to get next.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2008-04-01

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