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Running MS On A Mac

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Running MS On A Mac Empty Running MS On A Mac

Post  eybumm Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:09 am

Okay Mac fans, whoever tells you 'macs arn't for gaming' can officially be proven wrong now. Maple Story CAN be played on a Mac, and, unless your rather computer savvy, things can be a bit confusing.

Things you will need:

An intel mac
A windows XP install disc
an internet connection
A blank CD

Step one is going to be making sure you have an intel mac. It is easy enough to find this information out (and IS something you should know before buying.) Pretty much, all Macs made after the year 2004 have a POSSIBILITY of an intel chip. You can easily tell by checking the box your mac came in, or by typing the make/model of your mac into google. This step should be pre-gained knowledge, but I just wanted to throw it out there...YOU NEED TO HAVE AN INTEL MAC TO DO THIS.

Step two, is getting a Windows install disc. Yep. This day in age, if you don't know how to get yourself a Windows XP disc, with a registration code, you prolly shouldn't be doing this...stick to your P.

Step three. Install Boot Camp for your mac (a free program available from the Mac website, or by googling it). Many other programs will simulate windows, but, as of today, none yet support Maple Story. Boot Camp is the only program that will support MS (something to do with the video card). Fire up Boot Camp and follow the on-screen instructions (its rather simple). MAKE SURE YOU AGREE TO BURNING YOUR MAC DRIVERS TO A BLANK CD!

A note: when partitioning your disc space, I suggest only allowing 10 GB for the Windows Partition. Make SURE you do more than 5, because if you only do the 5 GB partition, Maple Story will not fit on the drive, and you will have to do everything over again. Trust me ;D Since you are operating with a mac, I assume thats your priority OS, so you will want to use that.

Step four: INSTALL THE MAC DRIVERS! This step is critical, because windows is stupid and wont understand any of macs hardware. Good thing Boot Camp offered for you to burn that nifty disc, eh?

Step five: When booting up your mac from now on, hold the alt key (or the mac keyboard equivalent) to go to the OS selection screen. Simply choose your OS and double click. If you don't hold the button, I think it automatically logs to whatever OS you had running last.

Once you have windows installed, you can boot up in windows upon request, and play MS anytime you want. Congratulations for breaking away from mainstream microsoft, and going with a better, prettier, smoother OS. Don't let anyone tell you Macs limit your possibilities.

A few suggestions from me:

Subscribe to a Mac magazine. Read the book 'Just Say No! To Microsoft'.
Get a Mac Mini (they are small and sexy and come with a remote!)

Feel free to PM me with any trouble you may come across while trying this out.

Edit: I am bumping THE most helpful thing I ever posted...simply because I've seen some threads about this lately, and I've been getting PM's about it Razz http://www.onrpg.com/boards/41942.html

Posts : 115
Join date : 2008-04-01

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