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Knights Harrow vs. Tele Guide

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Knights Harrow vs. Tele Guide Empty Knights Harrow vs. Tele Guide

Post  vmvznv Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:42 am

Harrow vs. Tele

for anyone who dosnt know what they are harrow is the short form of holy arrow while tele is the short form of teleport both skill are, 2nd job cleric skills.
Chances are youre not going to max both unless you didnt max something else

My opinion

Harrow is completly U-S-E-L-E-S-S got it? Why do you ask? Simply put Shining Ray is better, how much better uhh lets just say its unfair to make a comparison between them. A lvl 30 harrow has the equivelent matk to a lvl 11 shining ray. And chances are as a cleric heal will be giving you better net exp then harrow would ever give you. Even more so with holy symbol. Anyways by the time a sane person would get harrow (lvl 61) youd be already be training at zombies (if you arnt shame on you). But why tele over harrow? because tele can acutally help you gain exp faster then harrow could. Also with a mp cost of 13 at max level its really cheap.

Why not go both?
Well then you tell me what are you gonna cut out? Heal never best cleric skill there is. Bless and not get partied? Invincable and take 30% more damage? Mp eater and waste more money on pots? This further reiiterates my point on the uselessness of harrow.

In conclusion

Harrow suks go with tele http://www.onrpg.com/boards/37265.html

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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