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KNights Sindit/assdit/w/e its called now guide

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KNights Sindit/assdit/w/e its called now guide Empty KNights Sindit/assdit/w/e its called now guide

Post  vmvznv Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:43 am

Knights Sindit err assdit err w/e it is now Guide

Table of contents
0.1 version history
0.2 what is a sindit assdit etc.
0.3 skill point allocation
0.4 ap allocation
0.5 where to train
0.6 pros and cons
0.7 Credits
0.8 closing remarks

0.1 Version history
12/30/06 guide made today
01/10/07 Changed levelin loaction
01/11/07 Changed some ideas around

0.2 What is a sindit assdit etc
The sindit (for future reference this is what ill be using) is a subclass of rouge solely used for speed leveling. It starts out as a rouge class to help gain levels more quickly while still as a rouge, but switches into a bandit in 2nd job. This class tends to be more expensive then a regular bandit.

0.3 skill point allocation
1st job
Lvl 10: 1 Nimble Body
Lvl 11: 2 Nimble Body,1 Keen Eyes
Lvl 12: 3 Keen Eyes
Lvl 13: 3 Keen Eyes
Lvl 14: 1 Keen Eyes,2 Lucky Seven
Lvl 15: 3 Lucky Seven
Lvl 16: 3 Lucky Seven
Lvl 17: 3 Lucky Seven
Lvl 18: 3 Lucky Seven
Lvl 19: 3 Lucky Seven
Lvl 20: 3 Lucky Seven
Lvl 21: 3 Nimble Body
Lvl 22: 3 Nimble Body
Lvl 23: 3 Nimble Body
Lvl 24: 3 Nimble Body
Lvl 25: 3 Nimble Body
Lvl 26: 2 Nimble Body,1 Disorder
Lvl 27: 3 DarkSight
Lvl 28: 3 DarkSight
Lvl 29: 3 DarkSight
Lvl 30: 3 DarkSight

At the end of 1st job you should have 20 nimble body, 8 keen eyes, 20 lucky seven, 3 disorder, and 10 darksight.

2nd Job
Lvl 30: 1 dagger mastery
Lvl 31: 3 dagger mastery
Lvl 32: 3 dagger mastery
Lvl 33: 3 dagger mastery
Lvl 34: 3 dagger mastery
Lvl 35: 3 dagger mastery
Lvl 36: 3 dagger mastery
Lvl 37: 3 savage blow
Lvl 38: 3 savage blow
Lvl 39: 3 savage blow
Lvl 40: 3 savage blow
Lvl 41: 3 savage blow
Lvl 42: 3 savage blow
Lvl 43: 3 savage blow ***switch to daggers here***
Lvl 44: 3 savage blow
Lvl 45: 3 savage blow
Lvl 46: 3 savage blow
Lvl 47: 3 booster
Lvl 48: 2 booster 1 haste
Lvl 49: 3 haste
Lvl 50: 3 haste
Lvl 51: 3 haste
Lvl 52: 3 haste
Lvl 53: 3 haste
Lvl 53: 3 haste
Lvl 54: 3 haste
Lvl 55: 1 haste 2 booster
Lvl 56: 3 booster
Lvl 57: 3 booster
Lvl 58: 3 booster
Lvl 59: 3 booster
Lvl 60: 1 booster 2 endure
Lvl 61: 3 endure
Lvl 62-70 It’s a combination of whatever you like I suppose

0.4 Ap allocation
1-40 dex has to equal twice your level but don’t forget the 25 dex requirement to promote
40+ at this point add 10 dex every 10 levels. The rest goes into luk

0.5 where to train?
1-10 stick to snails and stuff
11-17 slimes
18-24 pig beach
25-30 Kerning Pq or Ant tunnel 1
31-35 ant tunnel 1
35-42: land of the wild boar
43-47:Block Golems, Bloctopus, or Chronos/Platoon Chronos
48-52:lock Golems or Platoon Chronos/Master Chronos
53-57:Jr. Yeti, Blue Drake, Platoon Chronos, Luster Pixie
58-70: Zombiesatoon Chronos, close to the same EXP.
0.6 pros and cons
-Easier to train during 1st job
-Can use both stars and daggers

-more expensive
- slower to train before you get savage blow to a respectable level during 2nd job

Thanks to
Xchrome for leveling spots

0.8 closing remarks
This guide has a lot of room for improvement. If you find that you cannot understand something orwould like to contribute towards this guide feel free to pm me. http://www.onrpg.com/boards/35467.html

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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