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Get By In Maplestory [Noob Guide]

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Get By In Maplestory [Noob Guide] Empty Get By In Maplestory [Noob Guide]

Post  vmvznv Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:12 pm

Maplestory "Get By"


Maplestory, A Massive multiplayer online game. Many users, Many High leveled users. What to do about it? Nothing. So how will you be able to suceed and fit in? This guide will hopefully reveal some secrets learned at highers levels.

Basic Information

If your new to Gaming, Some words may sound odd to you Such as MP or HP. Some basics words you should know:

Newb- New to the Game
Noob- Irrotating, Obsoclete Member
Owned- Expressing Happiness after killing/Winning a Battle
Pwnage- A Basic word used when a member hits a high amount of damage
HP- This is your health, You need potions to make it rise or wait around
MP- This is your Magic Ability, You need this to be able to activate special ablilites
Vaccer- This is a type of hacker who is able to (Vacc)um all of the opposing monsters into a specific Spot

Noob Acts

You may be called a noob often, And you never seemed to understand why? Here a few tips:

-When a player ask/Buys fame he wants to to increase it. This is a accesity(SP) enabled when you become level 15.
-Drop Gaming is prophited by still played in the game. If you join one (Don't) do not drop things such as Mushroom spores, They usually want godly equips to scam you
-PQ is also refered to as Party Quest. Kerning city, El nath, and Ludibrium each hold one. Here is a Simple Guide:

Kerning City Party Quest: Must be Level 21-30
El Nath Zakkum Party Quest: Must be Level 50+
Ludibrium Party Quest: Must be level 35-50

Those are the basic and released Party quest in GMS.

Leveling Procedures

You may say to yourselve, Leveling takes an awfully long time. You may also wonder why. Here are a few basic Tips on Leveling:

- Only train on monsters that you are able to hit in 1-2 Turns. Expiriement as well to find new monsters.
- While training occupy yourselve. Talk on the phone, Listen to you Ipod, Chat with your buddies.
- When training, Please remeber to keep up to date with your Skill levels. Read some basic guides on Warrior, Theif, Bowman, And magician Set ups.
- When training, Remeber not to ks. Kill stealing is very annoying, Treat others how you wish to be treated.

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-04-01

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