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Zakum Part 2

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Zakum Part 2 Empty Zakum Part 2

Post  gzpmtk Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:34 am

Zakum Part 2

If you are a jumping quest PRO, you will have problems with this level. It sounds stupid, but this part is SO RIGGED.

There are tiny platforms, that you have to jump towards, and there are falling rocks that fall down on some platforms. If you fall down, you will take 200 dmg each second, from the lava that you are in,. and you will use potions like mad... Seriously. You should have 50-100+ antidotes, and over 1000 potions to accomplish this quest. [serious] Eventually, you'll meet up with poison vents, firebombs.. To get past the firebombs will explode by kil. You wil have to kill it, then jump away, so you dodge the explosion, or you will fall out... A ranged person will work best at this part... There are no speed upgrades, ie:teleport, haste.

Zakum Part 3

Okay, this level is easy; you can get 30 golden zombie teeth, and bring them back... So he can make Eye of Fire, a stone which you need to sacrifice to summon Zakum.

Zakum Hunting

Here, you're in world 3, and you go thru the portal. There's enough room in the map, for 30 people [5 parties] to kill the Zakum. YOU MUST kill the arms in order. HP: Unknown. 500k hp+,
EXP: Unknown, 1 million exp+ depending on who killed/dmged the most on it.

There are 8 arms. You must kill them in order from most important, to least important.

---1.1 1.2---
---2 3---
---4 5---
---6.1 6.2 ---

Those are arm numbers. Specified by the effects it does.

1: there are 2 of the effect that "1" does; It attacks by lowering all players' hp and mp, it's impossible to dodge.

2: Only one, but it attacks with fire meteors from the skies, and the attacks with poison clouds...

3.: One; and attacks with ice chunks and thunderbolts, from the sky with random accuracy.

4.: Curses you with exp-loss, no-jumping, acc. loss, skill disability.

5.: Attacks with power up, magic up, magic guard up, and heal. Kill this one first.

6.: Moves arms up and down, and triggering earthquakes.

Kill them in this order.

5, 6.2, 4, 6.1, 2, 1.1, 3, 1.2. You can find this, for obvious reasons.

When you kill all the arms, the Zakum will lower everyone's HP and MP to 1, then summons mass monsters. This second, priest will have to mana pot, and heal, while d.knights have to do hyper body.

Info on monsters:
Boogie, lvl 61,
Puko, lvl 63, EXP190, HP20000,NO MAGIC ATK, FLIES AROUND.
Punko, lvl 67, exp210, HP40000, magic atk, flies around.
Kusuko, lvl 69, exp 240, HP60000, magic atk, flies around.

Pach, [pa-ch] ch, as in cheese -__-;; lvl 66.
Something evolved of pach is a new monster. Not yet known.

The Zakum drops all 80, 90 items, and drops a Zakum hat with PWN stats. Looks like a fake, but it is extremely good............... It gives:
A cool effect when worn,
15 STR
15 DEX
15 INT
15 LUK
150 Weapon def,
150 Magic def,
20 Acc,
20 Avoidability.

IT SO GOOD! Here's a pic..
Zakum Hat http://forums.mapletip.com/index.php?showtopic=17400

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-04-01

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Zakum Part 2 Empty Re: Zakum Part 2

Post  platform Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:37 am

There are tiny platforms, that you have to jump towards, and there are falling rocks that fall down on some platforms. If you fall down, you will take 200 dmg each second, from the lava that you are in,. and you will use potions like mad... Seriously. You should have 50-100+ antidotes, and over 1000 potions to accomplish this quest. [serious] Eventually, you'll meet up with poison vents, firebombs.. To get past the firebombs will explode by kil. You wil have to kill it, then jump away, so you dodge the explosion, or you will fall out... A ranged person will work best at this part... There are no speed upgrades, ie:teleport, haste.


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