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Capture the Relic

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Capture the Relic Empty Capture the Relic

Post  kjnpo Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:32 am

In Capture the Relic battles, two teams compete to collect enemy relics within a ten-minute period. To score a point, capture the enemy's relic and bring it to your Ghostly Hero. Another relic will spawn when the first is delivered; capture as many relics as possible before the clock runs out. This battle type features a Resurrection Circle, as well as braziers which keep track of the score. The color and intensity of the flames (small, medium, and large) indicate which team is winning and by how many points.

Win Condition: Collect more relics than the opposing team before the clock runs out.
Lose Condition: Collect fewer relics than the opposing team before the clock runs out.
NPCs: Ghostly Hero
Morale Boost: Kill the enemy Ghostly Hero.

While carrying a relic, avoid using skills or attacking or you'll drop the relic.
Movement is slowed while carrying a relic; due to their heavy armor and run buffs, Warriors often make the best relic runners.
Press and hold ALT and rotate the view to find a relic on the ground.
Use movement debuffs to defend your team's relic.
Some Capture the Relic battles feature a door; controlling the doors is the key to victory in these battles. http://www.guildwars.com/gameplay/pvp/tournamentbattles/

Posts : 137
Join date : 2008-04-01

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