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How do I become a member of your Fansite Program?

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How do I become a member of your Fansite Program? Empty How do I become a member of your Fansite Program?

Post  wtzvd Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:47 am

How do I become a member of your Fansite Program?

Please review the Guild Wars Community Fansite Program information pages. When the site is ready to be reviewed for consideration as a member of the program, the site's webmaster should contact the Community Relations Manager, who will send the webmaster a copy of the program application form. Upon our receipt of the completed form, the site will be reviewed for acceptance into the GWCFP.

I note there are several kinds of fansites. How do we start and when is my site able to change status?

For acceptance into the program, follow the instructions above. Most sites will begin as a simple Listed site, meaning that with certain standards met, they are added to the Fansite Roster on the Official Site www.guildwars.com. After a period of 30 days of active updating and content building, the site may apply for Official Guild Wars Fansite status. They will be reviewed as time allows and maybe be moved up in status if the site merits the higher ranking. Sites that meet the additional criteria may apply for a review for consideration at the higher level. They may be moved to Elite Level upon the submittal of fansite visitor statistics for a period of 90 days and upon review and approval by the Community Relations Manager. There is no time limit on applying to become an Elite site; the site may apply for a level review at any time though no more often than once every sixty days.

Can you describe how fansites change levels?

Eligibility and level placements are reviewed periodically, and changes may occur based upon news update frequency, depth of content and several other factors listed in the requirements. A site webmaster may request reclassification, or ArenaNet Community Relations staff may make changes in classification as necessary. In the event a site does not meet the program requirements at either level, it will be dropped from the program. A site may apply for readmission upon again meeting the program criteria. http://www.guildwars.com/community/fansites/faq/

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-04-01

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