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If a website changes hands, does it keep its designation as an Official or Elite site?

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If a website changes hands, does it keep its designation as an Official or Elite site? Empty If a website changes hands, does it keep its designation as an Official or Elite site?

Post  wtzvd Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:47 am

If a website changes hands, does it keep its designation as an Official or Elite site?

If a website undergoes a significant change in staffing, any previously-earned designation will be removed and the site will be encouraged to apply for review under the normal processes. This helps to maintain the integrity of the GWCFP rankings by precluding an existing site from changing over and carrying an unearned designation. The Guild Wars Community Relations Manager will make determinations on status on a case-by-case basis.

If I am not accepted into the program, may I reapply?

A fansite may be resubmitted for consideration as a GWCFP site, and if it qualifies at that time, will be welcomed into the program. We encourage a careful review of all the qualifications for the program, so that the review process is helpful and efficient.

Does the Guild Wars Community Fansite Program include guild sites? NEW!

At this time, the GWCFP is a program for fansites only. Guild sites generally adopt a very different focus than fansites, and while we may offer a separate program for guild sites in the future, at the present time the program is intended for Guild Wars fansites only.

Is my site required to join the GWCFP? What if I don't meet all the GWCFP requirements?

Sites are not required to join the GWCFP. We believe that the benefits that we offer are a good incentive to join the program, but we encourage fans to create any sort of fansite that they desire, as long as it is in conformance with our Terms of Use. Our fansite program is designed to accomplish two goals. The first goal is to help fans easily locate quality sites through the GWCFP designation. The second goal is to set quality levels that benefit the community and the company. So while we intend to support all our fansites, in order to be accepted into the Guild Wars Community Fansite Program and to receive the specific benefits of that program, a fansite must meet the requirements at one of the two program levels, as outlined on the Program Info Page.

My site content has been used by another fansite without my permission or consent. Will ArenaNet help me resolve this problem?

Matters of plagiarism are best handled between the sites involved. We encourage a swift appeal to the site's webmaster and to the site's upper staff, when possible, in an attempt to resolve the issue between the sites. ArenaNet cannot assist in legal matters that involve plagiarism of a site's unique content. However, if we are presented clear and overwhelming evidence that a site has taken another site's content without permission, attribution or credit, we will remove the offending site from the GWCFP. http://www.guildwars.com/community/fansites/faq/

Posts : 84
Join date : 2008-04-01

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