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Gameplay FAQ & HotKey List

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Gameplay FAQ & HotKey List Empty Gameplay FAQ & HotKey List

Post  oemcxi Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:25 pm


This is a small FAQ designed to help people get around the world of Guild Wars. Special thanks to ArenaNet for allowing testers to talk about, inform and discuss the various features that are within the game. Thanks to those who gave permission for me to use their work. Credits are given at the end of the FAQ. (top of page)
How do I whisper?

Format for whispers is: /msg ,
*note: You must have the , (comma) immediately after the name.
You can also send a whisper to someone on your friends list by double clicking on their name to start a message. Clicking on a name in the chat window will also start a message to be sent to that character name. (top of page)
How do I reply to a whisper quickly?

First, open the chat box using Enter as if you were starting a new message.
Next, pressing Ctrl + R will start a new whisper to the last person who whispered you. Repeated pressing of Ctrl + R will cycle through the last 10 people who whispered you. (top of page)
How can I speak to my party in private?

In outposts to speak to your party in private (to discuss strategy in secret): /p
In game speaking to your party is set to default. To speak to everyone if there is multiple teams: /a (top of page)
How do I use emotes?

Emotes are actions that you can do in the game. E.g.: SonOfRah waves.
To use an emote, type in the command into the chat window (e.g.: /wave ). Custom emotes are currently not implemented, however a list of current enabled emotes is as follows: (top of page)/wave /laugh /moan /sigh /clap /bow /yawn /No /Yes /Help /Shoo /Cheer /Point /Beckon /Salute /Fistshake /Doh
/Ponder /Jump /Congrats /Roar /Sorry /Pout /Bored /Pickme

How do I use a key?

Double click on the key, then click on the chest which you want to open. Locked chests requires the right key to open them. These keys and their chest are identified by their names. Some chests do not require keys. (top of page)
How do I dye my weapon or armor?

To dye your equipment, double click on the dye and then click on your item that you wish to dye. (top of page)
How do I mix dyes?

Double click on a dye and then click on another dye. The result will be a dye of both colors mixed. You can continue to mix colors - even using already mixed dyes.
Experiment, as some really amazing colors can be created. Silver mixed with another color tends to give a metallic/silvery shine to other colors. (top of page)
How do I set my alternate weapon configurations?

Currently to set your 4 weapon configurations you need to do the following:
Use F1-F4 to select the intended configuration number (i.e., configuration #2)
Equip your intended item by double clicking or by selecting the "equip" button in the inventory screen.
Rinse and repeat for the remaining configuration slots

To change a configuration, just select the slot and equip the items you wish to use for them. It is worth noting that you can have the same item equipped in multiple slots. (top of page)
How do I drop items/gold, trade and/or mule?

You cannot drop items to the ground in persistent locations (ie: in town or outposts). To drop an item to the ground click and drag the item onto the ground. To drop gold, click and drag the gold icon onto the ground.
There is no trade interface at this time, however one may be included for the WPE. More details as they become certain. Currently, exchanging items is done via dropping them on the ground.
Currently there is no way to transfer (mule) items to one character to another on the same account. The only way to do this at the moment is to get a friend to hold it for you, while you switch characters. A storage box of some sort for the whole account is planned (where any character on the account can access), but not yet implemented. (top of page)
What happens when I level?

Each time you level you will get 1 skill point, 5 attribute points and 8 life. (top of page)
How do I get and use skill and attribute points?

You gain 1 skill point and 5 attribute points each time you level. You also gain 1 skill point each time you complete a mission for the first time.
You can never get more than 200 attribute points in total, and once you have reached level 20, you will gain bonus attribute points (to reach the 200 point maximum) as a reward.
Skill points are used to buy new skills (see below - How do I learn new skills?)
Attribute points are used to raise your attributes. In the hero tab, you can raise your attribute by clicking the arrow that points up next to your desired attribute. The required attribute point cost is displayed on the arrow.
You can refund your spent attribute points by lowering an attribute's level. You do this by clicking the down arrow next to the attribute. You will receive whatever amount of attribute points you spent raising it. Each time you wish to refund an attribute level, you must spend a refund point. You earn 2 refund points each time you complete a mission, and can never have more than 10 refund points at any one time. (top of page)
How do I equip skills?

Keep in mind that you can only change skills in town or in an outpost. You cannot change skills whilst in a mission map.
Open up your skill tab (press K), and click and drag the desired skill from its position in the skill list to a skill slot. The skill should now be in that position.
To unequip a skill, click and drag a skill from a skill slot onto the main screen. That slot should now appear empty (top of page)
How do I learn new skills?

There are two ways that you can learn new skills.
Signet of Capture
Skill Charms

It costs a small amount of gold and a skill point to purchase a Signet of Capture (SoC).
In order to capture a skill with the SoC, you must first find a boss of one of your profession and then wait until the boss uses a skill. Once he has used a skill, you then cast the SoC on the boss. It takes 2 seconds to cast the SoC after which you learn the skill and can use it immediately. During the casting phase of the SoC, the name of the skill that you are trying to capture is displayed.
It is up to you to find a boss which has the skill you desire. If you don't want to learn a particular skill, press the Escape key to cancel the capture. You have to be quick though, as it will be acquired after 2 seconds.
Players may craft or trade Skill Charms. You can only craft a skill charm that your player has permanently learnt. Skill charms can add the skill to your skill list for 24 hours or they can add them to your list permanently.

Obtaining Skill Charms:
Gamble for a Skill Charm: Go to Exotic Skill Charm Vendor. For 25 gold, she will show you 3 random charms of any profession. If you choose to buy one from her, it will cost you an additional 25 gold.

Craft a skill charm:
Go to Skill Charm Crafter. Drag a skill from your skill list that you would like to have crafted into a Skill Charm. The crafter tells you what materials are needed to craft that particular Skill Charm. The materials vary, depending on profession of the skill as well as whether or not it is elite. One example of materials is one wood plank, 2 iron ingots and 30 gold.
Trade for a Skill Charm from another player. For example, you may want to try the monk's Mending skill and ask a player that has a monk character if they'd be willing to make the charm for you and trade for it.
The Skill Charm takes up one slot in your inventory until it is activated as a Necklace (temporarily learning the skill) or as a Ring (permanently learning the skill).

Learning the Skill Temporarily:
Go to Outfitter and buy the item called "Charm Necklaces" for 10 gold.
Use the "Charm Necklace" tool by double-clicking on it, then click on the skill charm you wish to activate. That skill will now appear above all of your other skills on your skills list interface with the time remaining that that skill will be usable. The amount of time you have to use and enjoy this skill is 24 hours, although that is subject to change. To use the skill, drag it from the skill list and place it into your skill bar as you would any other skill. The skill can be of any profession, regardless of what your primary and secondary professions are.

Learning the Skill Permanently:
This requires finding a Skill Ring of one of your professions, or trading from another player who has one.. There are Ranger Skill Rings, Warrior Skill Rings, Mesmer Skill Rings, etc. You cannot use this option for Skill Charms that are not of your primary or secondary profession. The Skill Rings randomly drop from boss monsters in missions. The boss that drops the Skill Ring may drop any profession's ring, such as a ranger boss dropping a Monk Skill Ring. Once you have a Skill Charm of a skill you wish to learn permanently, double-click on the Skill Ring and then click on the Skill Charm. That skill will now be in your skills list and you may use it like any other skill. The profession of the ring and the profession of the skill charm must match (ie: Skill Charm of Apply Poison with a Ranger Skill Ring). (top of page)
Where can I find an animal to charm?

If you find an animal that you can charm and its location is not listed below, pm me the details of where you found it and what animal type it is. Make sure you include map name, and general directions to find one. Once the WPE starts, I will reveal two lynx locations. It is up to the community to add to the list.
Each animal that can be charmed can have different colors. Some colors (such as the white lynx) are more rare than others.
The rarest color lynx to be found is black, and it has only ever been seen once. If you do find one and its black - take a screenshot or charm it. If you manage to charm it you'll be the envy of everyone. (top of page)
Where can I do pvp?

The WPE will be closer to how the release will be like, and not like the E3 demo. Because of this access to the PvP areas have changed.
In order to gain access to the casual 4v4 PvP arena, you will have to "unlock" it by finding a specific NPC. Once the arena is unlocked it will appear on the map for you to quickly travel to.
In a similar fashion, unlocking the 8v8 tournament is required to gain access. However it is slightly different in that the only way you can unlock it is via completing the PvE story missions. There are several PvE missions, and each will allow you to gain skills along the way to assist you in your travels. (top of page)
HotKey List

The following is the default listing of user controls to manipulate your character in the game world.
Everything here is subject to change. You have been warned!

Up Arrow / W - Move forward
Down Arrow / S - Move backwards
Left Arrow / S - Turn Left
Right Arrow / D - Turn right
Q - Strafe left
E - Strafe right
Double tap forward - Run
Double tap backwards / X - 180 degree turn
Left mouse - Move to clicked location/target
Turn while running - a, d, left-arrow, right arrow to turn your character while running. Also hold right mouse button and move mouse to turn your character.

Enter - Open chat window / send message
Tab (whilst chat window is open) - store current message in progress.
I - Inventory Window
H - Character Window
K - Skills Window
M - Map Window
F10 - Open "log out" dialogue
Ctrl + Shift + H - Turn user interface (UI) on/off
N - Open network window
note- If you move using the mouse or press the tab button and have a message half typed, it will save (goes transparent) allowing you to move and use skills etc as per normal. To access the message again, press enter and continue typing.

Perform actions
F1-F4 - Select weapon configuration #1-#4
1-8 - use skill in slot #1 through to slot #8. Some skills require a target whilst others do not.
Click on a skill icon - Use skill
Attack - Mouse click on hostile target, or select a hostile target and then press space
Space - "Do It", Interact with target (pick up item, attack monster, go to/follow friendly target)
Ctrl + action - Perform action and tell your party what action you performed.
Ctrl + Space - Set auto-target on current selected enemy. A "target" arrow will appear next to your name (see Targeting -> T). You also announce your target to your team.

T - Target the monster which was targeted by a player using Ctrl + Space (Target Priority)
‘ (apostrophe) – select self
Shift + left mouse click on target - Select target without moving
\ (Backslash) - select nearest neutral or hostile target
[ (Left bracket) - cycle next neutral or hostile target counter-clockwise
] (Right bracket) - cycle next neutral or hostile target clockwise
; (semi-colon) – select nearest item on ground. Repeated pressing will cycle through items
Alt + ; (semi-colon) - select nearest corpse on the ground. Repeated pressing will cycle through corpses.
Alt + \ - Select nearest friendly player
Alt + [ (Ctrl-left bracket) - Select friendly player counter-clockwise
Alt + ] (Ctrl-right bracket) - Select friendly player clockwise
Click party member name on party list - Select party member
Hold down Ctrl -
In outpost/town - Display player names on screen.
In a mission/exploration zone - Display all hostile creatures on screen.
Hold down Alt -
In outpost/town - Display all NPC names and signposts on screen.
In a mission/exploration zone - Display all neutral and party member names on screen.
Click name displayed on screen - select target with the clicked name

Camera controls
Zoom in/out – scroll mousewheel or hold the center button and move the mouse up and down for zoom control
Rotate Camera – move mouse while pressing the right mouse button to rotate camera angle
Rotate camera whilst running - Shift + right mouse + move mouse
Change camera view to party member (whilst you are dead) - double click on party member's name in party list

Customizable hotkeys

Note - NA means the key is not bound by default. Includes a quick reference to their default binds. (top of page)Do It - Space
Activate weapon set #1-#4 - F1-F4
Close UI - NA
Cycle Equipment - NA
Logout - F10
Open Chat - Enter
Open emote - slash "/"
Open Hero - H
Open Items - I
Open/Close map - M
Open network panel - N
Open Quest - L
Open skills - K
Reverse Camera - NA
Strafe Left - Q
Strafe Right - E Target Nearest - Backslash "\", C
Target Nearest Item - Semicolon ";"
Target Next - Right Bracket "]", Backspace, F
Target Party Member #1-#8 - NA
Target Previous - Left bracket "[", R
target Priority - T
target Self - Apostrophe, Z
toggle Chat - Tilde "`"
Turn Left - A, Left Arrow
Turn Right - D, Right Arrow
Use Skill #1-#8 - 1-8
Move Backward - S. Down Arrow
Move Forward - W, Up Arrow
Screenshot - Print Screen
Cancel Action - Escape
Free camera - NA
Reverse Direction - X


Credit goes where credit is due. The following people either assisted in collecting the information, or provided permission to use their own work.
Chantal Dubois, GWOnline.net Admin - Mini Skill Charm guide

(top of page)

~SonOfRah http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/index.php?content=gameplay_basics

Posts : 103
Join date : 2008-04-01

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