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Thank you to all in the Basin!!!

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Thank you to all in the Basin!!! Empty Thank you to all in the Basin!!!

Post  oemcxi Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:46 pm

Well, this is my 1000th post to these forums and I want to use this milestone to acknowledge all the great people in the Basin.
Cheers to you guys!!!

You've all been very nice to me and I appreciate all the help and advice both in game and in real life that I have got from you
all. Could not have asked for a better group of friends and all because I was reading the GWOnline forums one night and
someone mentioned that the Amazon Basin was a great guild to join. A chance meeting as they say.

Big hugs to you all, especially Robin, who on a day in day out basis is always there for me. You are a very special person gal! http://www.theamazonbasin.com/gw/forums/index.php?showtopic=9412

Posts : 103
Join date : 2008-04-01

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