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Sword+Shield Men and Str Build's

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Sword+Shield Men and Str Build's Empty Sword+Shield Men and Str Build's

Post  adeehe Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:13 am

I have found that guides on builds are really lacking on the forums and I am sharing two builds that I have tested. I gathered my information from pictures and speculations to gamers and Korean websites around. I think these are highly fun builds and use the full potential of the skill tree.

One is a pure mental the other is pure STR. I just want people to know about more of the builds beyond spear+light, blade+ice, and fire+glaive etc. (yawn).

Let’s start with the STR build.

Build Name:
Yamamoto Shigekuni (Bleach 1st division captain).

Pure Strength (2:1 STR:INT as hybrid)

Weapon - Blade and shield. Clothes – Garment or Protector, (20% bonus speed and mp reduction w/ Garment 10% w/ Protector) Garment = High magic defense and Protector = Medium defense. Using Armor till mid(35+)/high(45+) lvls is suggested.


Bichoen Skill Tree

Strike N Smash (Max) – This whole series is good for strong fast damage to add to your combo. The whole point of this build is to constantly over kill your opponent.

Illusion Chain (Max) – This series is the most important; it gives you a great deal of damage in a short amount of time. Make sure you get the Billow chain book later for greater damage. If your lacking damage here just get a higher critical blade (w/ a 5 combo hit later on, the higher chance to critical, the more likely w/ this skill).

Castle Shield (Optional) – It’s a matter of opinion here. Good block, but of course you can’t move like all the extra defensive skills. Best for on the job, guild wars etc.

Soul Cut Blade (Max) – I highly suggest this skill if you don’t mind spending extra sp. You get a free quick hit before you attack; damaging range skills are all the better.

Blood Blade Force (Max) – Knockdown effect is a must and w/ the next skill gives a nice combo. If you just get this for knockdown it gives you a chance to heal, run, or put in some extra damage with the next skill.

Flower Bloom Blade (Max) – This goes along with Blood blade to attack when you knock them down. This is hands down one of the best combo skills ingame.

Snake Sword Dance (Max) – Said to be one of the best physical skills. I would get it just for extra damage in the beginning, you get long range, plus it attacks around, so you can hit multiple enemies.

Shield Protection (Max) – An obvious must, increasing your block is what makes this build dominant vs. most players.

Fire Skill Tree

Fire River Force (max) – The dot effect will be a nice touch as you attack your enemies and you’ll definitely notice a power increase as you get higher level imbues (Always Imbue this skill before you attack and it stacks with your skills.

Fire Shield (Max) – Even though you can use pills, this goes great along w/ them. At higher levels more monsters use effect status skills (Plus players), having this automatically decrease's your effects, it is a must.

Flame-body (max) – keeping that attack up

Basic fire protection (max) – magic defensive is a must with this build, since you'll lack it

Flame devil force (max) – More power? Yes please.

This skill list would give you your magic defense, physical power boost and the skill you'll abuse, Fire imbue (Fire River Force). With a high lvl fire imbue and the dot effect you will leave them burning in hell.

I find this is much more offensive then the ice blader. As you already have so much defensive, focusing on your magic defense and physical damage w/ the speed of your sword and block rate can make you a dominate force. The fire wall skill seems useful, but it is really meant for a physical bow user since you would find such a low use for it being as you can’t move. This build is successful enough to not have a need to sp farm to the extreme, some don’t know this and freak out about it but, if your only maxing two skill trees you should have enough sp each time for all the skills as you get higher. Just keep between 2-3 skill levels below your base level and you should be fine.

Sure you’ll have some slow points but no build is ever perfect, I think this uses the best abilities from the pure STR blade class. Now of course this is a “Guide,” and you shouldn’t follow it exactly, but don’t completely disregard it, this is a nice build and it works for me, take it as you will.

I changed this guide based on user feedback and more testing, thanks to the community, I gave this build much needed improvements.

Overall Effectiveness:

Good 1on1

Good Magic defense

Strong constant attacks

Speed Killer (Well not that fast, but the dot effect kicks in)

Job preference:
As a hunter you’ll definitely take the hits and chase the thief’s down till there dead. As a trader you can take the hits and make it to your destination. As a thief you would be hard to kill, 1on1.

-Picture of this build as a high level in SRO-


Build Name:
Shock Treatment, Static Shock (Whatever)

Pure Mentality

Weapon – Sword and Shield. Clothes - Protector or Armor (Armor has no bonuses just the highest defensive gear) Using Garment till mid(35+)/high(45+) lvls is suggested.

This build focuses on pure lighting, with some physical skills in Bicheon. Now if you went archer etc. Just change the physical skills for that skill tree.

Sticking to one skill tree will make this a dominant killer (Sp farming goes the same for this build, very minimal).

Lighting Skill Tree

Thundertiger Force (Max) - The imbue skill that gives AOE damage to your enemies and speeds your attacks. The main skill you'll activate above all else.

Must-Piercing Force (Max) - The INT buff, only increases your magical attacks.

Grass Walk/Phantom Force (Max) - A basic buff that you will not want to live w/out. Phantom Force will help you evade and capture your enemies.

Shock Lion Shout (Max) - Your first long range nuke, it is still pretty close range, but it will be your main magic attack along w/ Thundertiger force.

Concentration (Max) - This buff increases your parry so your damage received is lower.

Wolf's Thunderbolt (Max) - A dominate nuke, it is a close range powerful nuke. It hits multiple enemies and does a great amount of damage.

Heaven's Force (Max) - Increases your parry, a must.

Bichoen Skill Tree

Blood blade force (Max) - Knockdown attack when your close up.

Flower bloom blade (lvl 1 could go higher.) - Follow up damage after you knock them down, but it will be based mainly on your lighting imbue.

Shield passive (Max) - Much needed block.

Here you go; a super fast killer and you might worry about low hp and being double teamed right? No fear, that’s why you’re a light force user. It causes AOE (Area of Effect, multiple enemies) damage with every skill you use. Guaranteeing anyone giving you some extra hits will be taken out and the knockdown bonus from blood blade force will immobilize most of your enemies so they won’t even scratch you. You get God speed and a destructive force, with smart tactics you’ll never be hit. Now you might have guessed I favor speed and swords, which is true I just love the combinations and have found these most effective.

Overall Effectiveness:

Magic barely hurts

Speedy Killer

AOE Damage
Strong Combo that immobilizes enemy

Job preference:
Hands down you would be nice as any job, but I would be a thief just because of the sheer speed and power. Of course it is all preference.

-Picture of this build as a high level in Korea-


I hope this was a helpful guide; I just tried to explain my two favorite characters. If I sparked your interest you’ll find a weakness or improvement to be made. Hopefully you make and use this to build a unique character. I know builds like these are around and I’m not claming I am original. I am just stating a build that I used and I know works and giving it out as a reference to all, because hopefully soon will be focusing on a different type of builds (European, Islam) and will (probably) have no time to keep up with the Chinese race builds for a while. http://www.silkroadtavern.com/strategy/guide/432

Posts : 89
Join date : 2008-04-03

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