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Sword/dagger+shield guide

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Sword/dagger+shield guide Empty Sword/dagger+shield guide

Post  adeehe Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:05 am

You want to be a swordsman? well you came to the right place. i will guide to through the first couple levels for you.

but first choose which weapon you want to use? a sword or dagger? here are the pros and cons
higher avg crit rate

lower crit rate

this is overly improtant cuz you can switch between them whenever you want to.

more importantly which Qi(magic) are you going to use?

Fire-Dmg dmg and more dmg great for beginners

Ice- more defensive than fire frostbite and frost but weaker than lightning also good for beginners

Lightning- movement speed and dodge rate dodging isn't implemented yet but later it gives to mobbing skills not recommended for beginners

now where to train? do quests! quests are a great way for exp but not for skills. quests only give u reg exp not skill exp. if u wanna get skills don't get rewarded for quests just yet. if you can't kill the monsters efficently(kill 3-5 before sitting or eatting) then lvl on some weaker mosters heres a quick lvl 1-15 guide
lvl 1-3 manyangs
lvl 2-5 Big/small eyed ghosts
lvl 3-6 Old Gyo/Gyos
lvl 6-8 water ghost slave/water ghost
lvl 8-9 stone ghost/broken stone ghost/tombstone ghost/rotten tree yeoha
lvl 9-12 yeohas
lvl 11-15 archer/subordinate bandits/young tigers
lvl 13-15 tigers
DO NOT FIGHT GIANT ARCHER/BANDITS/TIGERS they are extremly tough by urself unless ur lvl 20

--==Skill points==--
if you want alot of skill points do this
1. Don't put any points into mastery till lvl 5
2. Don't get rewarded for quests
3. keep ur highest lvl of mastery under ur lvl
4. spend skill points in clumps

i recommed you to get the first 2 sword/dagger skills. the power hit and the triple slash. these are great skills for now. also get ur 5 second elemental skill. DO NOT UPGRADE THESE SKILLS YET. keep them at 1. this is where the guide branches off. i'm going to start with fire.

you should follow this. why not get the 3rd sword/dagger skill? you can't do anything when ur blocking(i think) and the 2nd fire buff? it reduces how much poison does to you. just use universal medicine that you get from monsters.
lvl 1-4 save up points
lvl 5 get 1st sword/dagger skill and first fire skill (5 second buff and power swing)
lvl 6-7 save up points
lvl 8? get 2nd sword skill (triple atk)
lvl 9 save up points
lvl 10 get sword/dagger passive(increases blocking chance by 2%)
also get the fire passive on the bottom(increases phy. atk dmg by 1%)
lvl 11 save up points
lvl 12 get lvl 12 fire buff(increases physical dmg by 3% for 5 min)
lvl 13 save up points
lvl 14 get 4th sword skill(the AoE one)
lvl 15 save up points

its like fire but this is much more defensive. whats not too cool about this Qi is that u do much less dmg. the sword skills are the same as above but the Qi allocation is different.
lvl 1-4 save up points
lvl 5 get 1st sword/dagget skill and first ice skill
lvl 6-7 save up points
lvl 8 get 2nd sword/dagger skill
lvl 9 save up points
lvl 10 get sword/dagger passive and ice passive
lvl 11 save up points
lvl 12? get the 2nd ice QI(increases ur def by 2)
lvl 13 save up points
lvl 14 get 4th sword/dagger skill
lvl 15 save up points


--==PROS/CONS oF QI==--
best dmg
burn dmg
low def
bad if get mobbed

worst dmg
high def
not too bad if mobbed

avg dmg
high acc/high miss
hell u want to be mobbed


P.S help me out about the stuff near ? marks i would do it myself but i can't get on... http://www.silkroadtavern.com/strategy/guide/411

Posts : 89
Join date : 2008-04-03

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