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Fortress Management

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Fortress Management Empty Fortress Management

Post  Toshiharu Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:35 am

The authorities for the fortress are as shown on the table below:

A fortress administrator is NPC employed in mandatory once a fortress is occupied, and performs jobs
such as tax control, tasks for fortress war, and employing new NPCs.
Tax control
The fortress administrator is entitled to adjust tax rate and levy taxes at large cities and specialty stores
relevant to the occupied fortress.
Tax rate is adjusted in range between -20% and +20%. Tax rate adjustment is available from
00:00 to 23:59 every Saturday, and not restricted of frequency.
Levying taxes is allowed only on every Saturday. When you click Levy button, the taxes are
transferred to the inventory.
Authority for levying taxes is restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war).
Tasks for fortress war
Information is available from the fortress administrator including fortress war schedules and
guilds applied for fortress war to the fortress administrator. (The information is available any members
of the fortress-occupying guild.)

Employing fortress NPC
Authority for employing NPC is restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war). Employing NPC demands payment of defined Gold and GP.

Fortress clerks are positioned at large city adjacent to the fortress, and perform their jobs such as applying fortress war, and purchase/sale of items relevant to the war.
Application for castle attacking at fortress war
Authority of applying for fortress war is restricted to the guild master within a defined period, and application for the war shall meet the following requirements:
- Guild level 3 or higher
- Guild members 20 or more as of application
- Defined registration fee
- Guild other than alliance guild of fortress-occupying guild
Application for castle defending at fortress war
A guild master is entitled to apply for castle defending during fortress war application if its alliance guild occupies a fortress. Application for castle defense of fortress war shall meet the following requirements:
- Guild level 3 or higher
- Guild members 20 or more as of application
- No registration fee
Canceling fortress war
Authority of canceling fortress war is restricted to the guild master prior to a defined period. Press Cancel button on the UI window of Apply/Cancel Fortress War. (Please note that the registration fee is not reimbursed.)
Items relevant to fortress war
It is allowed to purchase or sell items for fortress war from and to the fortress clerk including castle attacking weapons, command post tents, flags, and fortress monsters.

Combat assistants are positioned in the fortress, and are responsible for employing guards and
managing the structures. Authorities for use of the combat assistant are restricted to the guild master
(the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator.
Fortress structure management
Pressing Manage Structure button displays Manage Structure window indicating the fortress
map and structure information.
Authorities for upgrade and repair of the structure are restricted to the guild master
(the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator
(not allowed during the fortress war).
Upgrading the structures of the fortress shall meet the following requirements:
① The level of the guild master and the fortress war administrator should be higher than
required level of the structures.
② Gold and GP are necessary for upgrading.
③ A defined period shall elapse at the level of the concerned structures for upgrading.
④ Upgrading is not allowed if durability of the structure is not 100%.

Employing guards
It is allowed to employ guards by purchasing the items for mobilization of guards. Purchase of the items for mobilization of guards consumes Gold as well as GP.

The blacksmith is positioned in the fortress, and is responsible for production and repair of the items.
Authorities for use of the blacksmith are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war)
and the production administrator. Employing a production administrator saves costs and time of item
Item repairing
Repair of the items by the blacksmith is same as done for common items. However, the blacksmith
is allowed to repair the entire items.
Item production
Pressing Produce Items displays a list of the items available of production at the fortress. Placing the
mouse point over one of the items for production displays basic information, production period,
and demanded Gold and GP of the item.
Once production of an item is complete, Complete button is activated, and the item is issued to the
guild master or the production administrator who pressed Complete button.

The trainer is positioned in the fortress, and is responsible for training of transportation vehicles. Authorities
for use of the trainer are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war) and the training
administrator. Employing a trainer saves costs and time of training.
COS training
Pressing Train COS displays a list of a list of available COS to train at the fortress. Once COS training is
complete, Complete button is activated, and COS is issued to the guild master or the training administrator
who pressed Complete button.
COS is defined as transportation/movement vehicle or pet used Silkroad Online. Fortress Management Config_fortress

Guards are NPCs responsible for security of the fortress. Authorities of use and positioning the guards are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator. Types of the guards are defined for positioning at each fortress: The levels of the guards and the mobilizers are as follows:
Guards positioning
Use the guard-mobilization orders to position the guards: Click the left mouse button at the locations to position the guards. (The guards can be positioned at the areas indicated with yellow circles only. If the areas are indicated with red circles, guard positioning is cannot be made.) The guards can only be positioned during the preparation period for the fortress war; they are not allowed to be positioned over the structures. Further, it is not allowed to position the guards at fortresses other than those under occupation.
Laying off and eliminating guards
Press D button on Target window of the guards, and OK button on Verify window to lay the guards off.
Authorities for laying the guards off are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator. Any guards killed in action are not regenerated, but eliminated.

A fortress monster is a symbol of a fortress, and authorities for mobilizing the monsters at the fortress war are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war).
There are two types of the fortress monsters: production monsters produced at the fortress; and monsters for sale available from the fortress clerk.
The level of the fortress monster is identical with that of the mobilizer, and each monster bears capability of that of giant monster.
A fortress monster automatically disappears when HP of the monster decreased down to zero, or at 20 minutes after mobilizati

any1 is welcome to join my on xian
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Join date : 2008-04-07

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